Sunday 16 April 2017

Syria Gas attack: A short story about evidence

Danielle Ryan shares a short story about evidence

On Twitter yesterday, journalist Peter Hitchens asked BBC Newsnight’s diplomatic editor Mark Urban to provide evidence for the assertion that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was actually responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Ghouta in 2013.

Here’s the conversation that ensued.

Do you believe the western media are being irresponsible as Peter Hitchens has alluded?

Would be a sad day for the UK if this happens.

As reported by the DailyMail, if Theresa May decides to drop out of running the UK, the UK would lose a vital asset in her. Ms may is the most popular and effective Prime Minister the UK has had for a very long time.

The most popular and effective Prime Minister the UK has had.

Mrs May is currently one of the most popular PMs in British political history. Her poll lead is nudging 20 points, her approval rating is 54 points ahead of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and she’s winning by-elections in areas that were previously bandit country for the Tories. Yet after only nine months in Downing Street, many colleagues are already starting to pen her political obituary........

What are your thoughts on this issue?

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