Monday, 29 May 2017


The World as our Grandparents knew it.... is Unravelling.

The whole world was reminded recently with the Manchester terror event and political shenanigans in the West that the world is no longer a wonderful safe place to live. The 22 souls that were murdered by Manchester bomber Salman Abedi illustrated the gulf between a rational mind and an evil mind that is twisted by religious dogma and pent-up anger and frustration at the incessant interfering of the West in Middle-Eastern affairs.

There has been for a while.... a melancholic mood about Western politics that is causing citizens, irrespective of their political leaning, in Western countries to feel similar frustration and helplessness as that of these individuals such as Manchester bomber Salman Abedi.  We saw examples of this when people supporting the left, marched and protested the elevation of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States and when the VOTE-OUT of EU campaign won the BREXIT vote in June 2016.

There is no escaping that frustration levels with the Establishment, Politicians, Bankers, global Corporations and the System are elevated to an alarming level.  Politicians for too long have been making promises at the election stage, which they have pointedly not delivered on or have changed their minds on once they are in the halls of power.  We saw this over and over again with Presidents Clinton, Obama, Prime Ministers Blair, Cameron and President Trump; for example, Trump stated that as President, he would cease interfering in other Country affairs, stop America being the Policeman of the world and be non-interventionist, which the whole world witnessed was an unadulterated lie when he bombed the Syrian state...... simply to boost his rapport with the deep-state machine in America.

Many thought Trump was the 'reset-button' that was going to 'drain-the-swamp', stop the WAR MONGERING interventionism and dismantle the deep-state.  For a while there was a true feeling of HOPE in the air.  Millions upon millions prayed that this was the man to do just that after the cataclysmic failure of the promised HOPE that rapidly evaporated under the Obama reign. Citizens have become beyond being disillusioned with politics, they are now becoming frustrated and angry like those Muslims that have become radicalised because of their massive discontent of the immoral behaviour of the West and how American foreign policy treats Muslims in the Middle-East.

The mood of the populace in many Western countries is of discontent, frustration turning to anger and dissatisfaction, which is gradually rising to boiling point. It is notable that over the last 50 years, the conservative populace who have a leaning the from middle to right of the political scale have not protested in rallies where violence has reigned as part of their strategy to get their point heard. This has been the way of the left leaning populace, much of which has been borne out of their Socialist expectations for state hand-outs, which the Capitalist political machine believes are rights that should be worked for instead of being gifted. 

Now, we have a situation where those on the right, normally of conservative values are talking about taking to the streets because the system is so corrupt and broken, they feel they have been silent for decades in the interest of social harmony. The patience of those conservative leaning people has run out...... once they marshal the masses and take to the streets, we have the potential to have a civil war between the socialist thinking versus the conservative thinking populace with the Police and Army in the middle.


World peace is a naive dream in today's world because of corruption at all levels.
Did you know there are only 11 countries in the world that are actually free from conflict - this is a very sad indictment on the present political system, the establishment, our politicians and the foreign policy of a few Arms selling - war mongering countries.

So if ever, there was a time for a new breed of politics, now would be that time; before both sides of the divide step-up and march in protest due to their total dissatisfaction..... this would be the beginning of a real civil war. A rational mind would suggest that both those on the left and those on the right are so fed up with the current political machine with their lies, political mistruths, truth manipulation and outright election promise failures.

The ingredients for a joined-up 'left & right' civil unrest are all there, which requires people to be rational thinking, unemotionally 'A-political' and of common need.  What is missing from the politics of today in INTEGRITY in Politics and Government. This should be the common need...... INTEGRITY in Politics and Government.

What does one mean by INTEGRITY in Politics and Government.... let's look at a single example that is one amongst hundreds of examples that people could cite;

Theresa May's track record on Immigration: 

According to Wikipedia:  From 1999 to 2010, Theresa May held a number of roles in the Shadow Cabinets of William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith, Michael Howard and David Cameron, including Shadow Transport Secretary and Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary. She was also Chairman of the Conservative Party from 2002 to 2003.

After the formation of a coalition government following the 2010 general election, May was appointed Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities, giving up the latter role in 2012. Reappointed after the Conservative victory in the 2015 general election, she went on to become the longest-serving Home Secretary since James Chuter Ede over 60 years previously. During her tenure she pursued reform of the Police Federation, implemented a harder line on drugs policy including the banning of khat, oversaw the introduction of elected Police and Crime Commissioners, the deportation of Abu Qatada, the creation of the National Crime Agency and brought in additional restrictions on immigration.
According to the London Standard Thursday 1 December 2016, Immigration hit record 650,000 in Theresa May’s last year as Home Secretary.

Also, according to the Guardian Monday 18 July 2016, her most recent Immigration Act was designed in her words “to create a hostile environment” for illegal migrants by a package of measures including requiring landlords to check on the immigration status of all prospective tenants. This culminated in the infamous Operation Vaken “Go Home” vans touring immigrant communities and as a result of which only 11 people actually left the country.
When the net migration figures came out – as they do every three months – May always sent out her immigration minister, James Brokenshire, to explain why they had failed yet again to deliver the promised deep cuts in net migration.

Yet, nett immigration still hit record 335,000 in Theresa May’s last year as Home Secretary!

Net immigration was a near-record 335,000 over the period in which Mrs May was in charge of the UK borders — just 1,000 short of the all-time peak of 336,000 recorded a year earlier.
The massive numbers revealed by the Office for National Statistics left in tatters the Government’s target to reduce net levels to the “tens of thousands”.

In cabinet, she quite rightly blamed the rest of the government for giving up on tackling rising immigration and turned down their pleas to remove overseas students from the target. But she pressed ahead with immigration policies that included splitting up an estimated 33,000 families in Britain because they don’t earn enough and refused to put any time limit on the detention of immigration detainees.

So who is really to blame, the Politicians, Parliament, the Government, Customs & Immigration or the System?

Frankly, they have all contributed in some way to the problem, BUT the primary blame lies with the progressive attitude of the lame-stream media and liberal judges, who suggest that immigrants have a higher / better form of rights than the indigenous populace in each country. This is what Politicians are fearful of..... being singled out by the media as a racist or right-winged nutter.

Collectively, they are all somewhat guilty of being grossly incompetent and unpatriotic towards their home country, irrespective if you are in America, UK, Europe, Canada or one of the other English speaking countries.  They failed to deliver on an election promise.

So what can realistically be done to make this a better world, unlike the hell-hole the PROGRESSIVES have left us with?

Firstly, the populace need to agree on some basic principles that are good for the country and thus for our individual well-being. 

FOR EXAMPLE:  (Here are 12 items pulled from various blogs).

1.    Countries should foster environments where economies can be prosperous where taxation is based primarily on consumption with tax scaled on earning levels.
2.    Countries should foster commercial environments where everyone can accumulate wealth and not be forced to exist on a hand to mouth basis as the system forces millions of people to do presently.
3.    Countries should foster environments where those who are disabled and unable to fend for themselves can be cared for by the state.  
4.    Countries should foster environments where Corporations are taxed for sending their work abroad, thus enabling local inhabitants to secure well paid remuneration for a hard days work.
5.    Countries should foster environments where pay gaps between the lower paid and the Directors of the business are not so enormous as has been witnessed in the last two decades.   
6.    Countries should foster environments where crime does NOT pay with a DETERRENT where criminals who commit crimes that hurt persons or animals forfeit their human rights and are punished severely.
7.    Countries should foster environments where immigration is based on merit, not numbers and reduce immigration to 10's of 1,000s.  
8.    Countries should foster environments where the lame-stream-media are held accountable for misinformation and are fined punitively for fake-news - known by the sensible as manipulation of facts to suit their political narrative.
9.    Countries should foster environments where lobbying or favours for election funds is illegal; hence, elections are funded from a central election pot, out of taxed monies, so that Political Parties all have the EXACT same sized marketing pot; this would require massively punitive jail sentences for all of those who overspend or contribute private funds to promote a political party and all news papers, television, radio or other media forms are forced by law to have a fully balanced output or forum or panel etc..... to ensure that the days of a left or right media are eradicated.  
10.  Countries should foster environments where Judges can be held accountable for adjudicating on trials where they let their personal and political narrative reign as how they rule on trials.
11.  Countries should foster environments where all forms of commerce is taxed, which includes Corporations, selling of drugs and prostitution where both should be regulated for health and personal security reasons; this will help to eradicate drug lords and pimps who exploit vulnerable persons.
12.  Countries should foster environments where education in our schools are not selling the PROGRESSIVE crap that is undermining the very fibre and integrity of our society, where children are being brainwashed by this insidious PROGESSIVE poison.

In Conclusion:

The rational mind knows, there is a distinct difference between Civil-Unrest and Civil-War, yet seemingly for many, when emotions are clouding one's judgement, it is hard to tell the difference.

The present system of corrupt politics, biased corrupt media and liberal / progressive infiltrated government is manifesting an environment for civil war because of the pitting of the Left against the Right every 4 years for elections that everyone knows are a FARCE and waste of time because they will simply get the same old drivel.

Every time an election  happens it is more of the same old lies, false promises and cronyism once the party that wins gets into the halls of power.  This has to change.

As already mentioned, Citizens have become beyond being disillusioned with politics, they are now deeply frustrated and angry like those Muslims that have become radicalised because of their discontent of how the West behaves.

If our politicians do NOT take heed of these rising ingredients of unrest in the general populace, there will be blood in the streets in places like the UK.  It is not a hypothesis, or a vision,  it is fast becoming a reality as all the trajectories of discontent are directed towards the melting pot of "FRUSTRATED-HELPLESSNESS" as yet another general election looms in a few days time.

Just try to imagine the unimaginable;  If as an indigenous Citizen of your beloved country, you lose control of your country to people who are part of the global elite PROGRESSIVE movement, where 99% of the populace are considered as part of the unwashed-sheeple. Can you imagine the utter frustration and helplessness you will feel when 'goose-stepping' Progressives dictate the terms of the rest of your life, so that they can continue with their globalist campaign of making themselves and their crony friends wealthier based on your hard toil.



Vote wisely on the 8th of June!

Do NOT let these insidious PROGRESSIVE Global Elitists who started the EU agenda take over your country.  

Stand UNITED as ONE PEOPLE, put aside your emotional political hatred..... 

Think United Kingdom and support the one person, Theresa May who is best placed to complete the BREXIT and secure the UK's future for your children and their children's children.


Bang...... whoosh... thwaddock.... oops that must be the Goose-stepping EU PC Police kicking down my front door. 


Thursday, 11 May 2017


According to the Guardian this morning, Labour is braced for a battle over the final version of the party’s manifesto at a summit for its most senior figures on Thursday after a draft was leaked overnight.

Whilst a draft of the document appears to set out the most left-wing election platform for decades, amounting to his 'wish list' for Labour's union paymasters, as strange as it may be, there are a few items in this Labour Party manifesto, which would resonate with the millions of commuters who are being overcharged for a poor rail service each day and those people who have been left behind in the housing market and are unable to get onto the housing ladder.

  • Leaked Labour manifesto reveals plans to renationalise railways and Royal Mail
  • Includes plans for a £6billion tax raid on people with salaries of £80,000-plus

  • Parts of Jeremy's 2017 manifesto have the hallmarks of mass renationalisation and forcing of Councils to build 100,000 homes for social rent. Andrew Gwynne, the party’s elections chief, said the package of reforms, which includes radical plans to take parts of Britain’s energy industry back into public ownership alongside the railways and the Royal Mail, would be “genuinely transformational”.

    The ELEPHANT in the room as usual is........ HOW WILL ALL THIS BE PAID FOR?

    So when average Mr or Mrs Bloggs (UK Citizens) hear Tim Farron of Liberal Democrats saying, "Britain should take 50,000 more Syrian refugees from camps in the region, which will only cost circa £4.3bn investment, which the party believe is worth the investment",  they must think that these politicians have totally lost the plot.

    Sadly, the cost of these things hardly factor into the thinking of the voting public, because over the last 4 decades, most of the enlightened UK Citizens have come to realise that it either boild down to borrowing or raising taxes, which ALL the parties claim in their manifesto's not to do, yet as soon as they are in the halls of power, that is exactly what they do.

    According to the Daily Mail, among the most striking measures in the document are:
    • A refusal to commit to cutting immigration levels, and removing rules that new arrivals must have enough money to support themselves;
    • Ruling out leaving the European Union without a deal, weakening Britain's negotiating hand and suggesting Brexit might never happen;
    • Trident will be renewed but there will be a 'full' defence review, and the manifesto bows to Mr Corbyn's unilateralist views by making clear a Labour PM would not deploy them; 
    • A slew of huge spending commitments including scrapping moves to push the state pension age beyond 66, scrapping university tuition fees, £6billion a year more for the NHS, £250billion on infrastructure.
    • Rent caps for the first time since the 1970s, abolition of laws limiting strikes, and pay caps to stop bosses earning more than 20 times the lowest salary at their firm; 
    • A promise to protect the 'nomadic way of life' and 'end discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities'; 
    Even though Mr Corbyn and shadow chancellor John McDonnell will claim the final manifesto will be 'fully costed' at first glance even from a civilian in rented accomodation it will be apparent that with new spending pledges running into hundreds of billions of pounds, it surely means that Labour would embark on a gigantic borrowing spree, as well as levying swingeing taxes on business and the middle classes.

    It is clear that Jeremy Corbyn is a red-blooded socialist, which sadly does not bode well for him because not only has every socialist country failed numerous times, Jeremy is not able to bring his own party with him to his journey back into the heady days of the 1983 39-page manifesto from Michael Foot.

    If Jeremy were really in touch with the UK Citizens at all levels of society, he would learn that some of his points in the manifesto did indeed resonate with many, but sadly there are some points like the 'nomadic way of life' and 'end discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities' will stick in their craw because of the tortology this statement becomes when a check with reality is made.

    That said, the Conservatives could take some tips from a few of his points, such as the threat of our essential Utility operations, (Gas, Electricity, Water, Railways) being in the hands of unscrupulous foreign corporations. This threat is a reality that could one day come to hurt the UK, especially post BREXIT, notwithstanding the billions in profits that are extracted from the UK every year.

    So, a message to the Conservatives, instead of backing and partaking in fox hunting, why not consider these external threats to the UK and not scoff at Jeremy over your english tea later today.

    Wednesday, 10 May 2017


    If you thought we were out of danger of a financial crash similar to what we experienced in 2007 / 2008, you would be naive in thinking that.

    Here are but a few examples where massive bail outs are being sought, which publicised minimally in the mainstream media;

    Notwithstanding the property bubble in the UK that continues to grow, there are too big to fail organisations that are in very deep debt.  In the aftermath of Brexit, much of the investing public's attention has turned to Italian banks which are in desperate need of a bailout as a result of €360 billion in bad loans growing worse by the day

    1.  Italy has asked the EU for assistance as they are circa two trillion Euros in debt.  Middle of 2016, after the BREXIT vote in the UK, Italian politicians begged the European Union for permission to bail out troubled lenders sitting on more than €360bn of bad loans.

    2.  The German Banks have also been exposed to large debts, so much so that they have asked for assistance from the EU.  As reported by Tyler Durden of Zerohedge   "In Europe, the bailout does not need to be so large. A €150 billion program should be enough to help European banks recapitalize," said David Folkerts-Landau.

    As far back as September 2016, there were fears raised that Deutsche Bank might have to tap its investors for cash are among the reasons its shares have plunged, and raised fears that it could present a Lehman Brothers-style moment for the markets. However, top bankers and policymakers all played down the prospects of a repeat of the collapse of Lehman in 2008 as reported by the Guardian.

    In addition to this old chestnut, there are other areas where a bubble is building, like hire purchase loans for automotor vehicles where lending is going off the charts like housing mortgages in the lead up to the 2007/2008 crash.

    The report below, which is an example of these other areas has been  Authored by John Rubino via,

    One of the interesting things about the Great Recession was how Canada’s financial system sailed through it largely unscathed. Its banks were regulated wisely and behaved prudently, its citizens avoided the extreme stupidity of their credit-addicted neighbors to the south, and its government refrained from doubling its debt every eight years. It certainly looked like Canadians were smarter – or at least more emotionally mature – than we were.

    But instead of Americans learning from Canada, Canadians appear to have concluded that America had it right after all. In the decade since the global financial system’s last near-death experience, Canadians have started to behave like turbo-charged Americans. A few recent examples:

    Canadians Are Buying A Record Number Of New Cars, With A Record Amount Of Financing

    (Better Dwelling) – Sales of new motor vehicles across Canada rose to an all-time record for February.

    Average Sale Price For New Vehicles Rises

    Consumers are purchasing more expensive vehicles too. Over $5 billion was spent on new vehicles for the month, bringing the average to $40,100 – up 3.4% from the same time last year.

    Consumers Are Buying “More Car Than They Can Afford”

    The uptick in average sale price is due to longer financing terms for buyers. According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), Canadians are “increasingly purchasing more car that they can afford,” due to longer financing becoming fashionable. The agency notes that average leases have crept up 2 months, every year since 2010. According to the Bank of Canada (BoC), the average loan was 74 months as of 2015. Longer terms bring down monthly payments, but increases the total cost of the loan.

    The Rise Of Non-Prime Lending In The Auto Industry

    The right to debt seems to be a topic all Canadians are embracing, and the auto sector is no different. The Bank of Canada has estimated that 25% of borrowers are non-prime, which in case you didn’t know is Canadian-English for “sub-prime.” These buyers generally have a FICO score below 670, and face predatory loans with up to 25% interest. This makes it difficult to build positive equity on car loans.

    We can expect more financial heartache, which will undoubtedly impact Europe, UK and America.  Do not be fooled by all the political hype during these upcoming elections, where the issue of BREXIT is being blamed for all the financial woes of the UK, Europe and the rest of world.

    None of this should be a surprise to you, but in many cases many people will find this is very surprising because the Lame-Stream media are not reporting extensively on these issues, many of these issues that are being raised in different quarters of the world because it goes against their narrative.


    Notwithstanding the fact that it was the Conservative Party that signed away the keys to Britain's  sovereignty when John Major signed the Maastricht Agreement on 7th February 1992, it was New Labour that implemented this travesty with the gusto of people who were drunk with power and dizzy with their own self importance and ego.

    The Maastricht convergence criteria are the criteria for European Union member states to enter the third stage of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and adopt the euro as their currency.

    The first pillar of the Maastricht Agreement was where the EU's supra-national institutions - the Commission, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice - all had the most power and influence, which superseded that of the British Parliament. The other two pillars were essentially more inter-governmental in nature with decisions being made by committees composed of member states' politicians and officials. While the Justice and Home Affairs pillar extended cooperation in law enforcement, criminal justice, asylum, and immigration and judicial cooperation in civil matters, some of these areas had already been subject to intergovernmental cooperation under the Schengen Implementation Convention of 1990.

    History will show that, the 28 EU Commissioners of the European Union were and remain drunk with their new found power.  The lust for power of this unelected body that are living in a world filled with delusional plans of grandeur, are sadly misleading and hurting the indigenous people of both Europe and Britain.

    This power grab and injustice only became glaringly obvious to many hard working intelligent Britons, the erosion of British sovereignty and Britain’s culture really began in earnest when Labour, under Tony Blair won the UK General Election in July 1994. This was the acceleration of the PROGRESSIVE GLOBALIST agenda, the  PROGRESSIVISM aberration driven by ego, arrogance and the lust for power.

    Tony Blair rebranded old Labour to “New Labour” and promised modernisation. On the day after their election victory, Gordon Brown surprised everyone by handing control of interest rates to the Bank of England - a move that would have far-reaching consequences for the UK economy.

    After reading this,  you will better understand how Great Britain was nearly sold out as a pawn for political gain in the Globalist’s insidious liberal PROGRESSIVISM strategy and was going to be subsumed as a prize in the morass of the European Union.


    New Labour’s economy under Tony Blair & Gordon Brown flourished as they opened the borders to allow an influx of immigrants to help create a cheap labour force and a migrant forced demand for housing, which put pressure on existing housing stock.

    New Labour’s immigration strategy fuels housing demand and feeds the price bubble igniting an explosive buying and selling frenzy.

    Cronyism became New Labour’s way forward with the chattering classes, liberal media folk, luvvies, wealthy-elite as well as show-biz, media folk and political elites who endorse Progressivism.

    House prices continued to rise for 15 years. Over most of this period, house prices rose well above the general inflation rate generating a considerable wealth effect.


    Gordon Brown started using the “No more Boom or Bust” strap line every time he stood up to speak in parliament. This was based on an economy that was under pinned by a runaway booming property market that generated billions in taxes, both directly from stamp duties and capital gains as well as indirectly through corporation taxes and VAT from the additional monies flowing in the retail market place when home sellers spent their housing bounty.


    Between May-Jul 1997 to Mar-May 2010, the unemployment level increased from 2.1 million to 2.5 million an increase from 7.3% to 7.9%. The salary differential between immigrants and UK Citizens enabled Corporations to make UK Citizens redundant and swap them out for immigants under the guise of new jobs. This was seen especially in the middle tier jobs such as those in IT, where the big Banks brought in droves of foreign IT staff from India on rotational contracts.  This happened under the very noses of the Government who were the lapdogs of Corporations in the New Labour haydays.


    Immigration records show that net migration grew in 1998 from 48,000 to 140,000 under New Labour deliberate policy of loosening immigration controls in almost every sector. This eventually settled at near 300,000 immigrants per annum before New Labour was dethroned.

    These policies accounted for two thirds of the 3.6 million net foreign migration under Labour.


    Blair's 2004 decision to open the door to East European migration was entirely in keeping with his values as an ardent pro-European and globalist.

    This created a systemic cultural and personal financial disaster for every hard working Briton. Alarmingly this Progressive agenda was later continued by the Coalition until David Cameron stood down after the June 2016 BREXIT vote.


    Massive demand for houses, causing a house pricing boom, plus a large supply of cheap labour in holding down wages which was, of course, welcome to the powerful business lobby.


    To compensate for Gordon Brown’s 1997 tax raid of circa £100 billion on Corporation pensions; Corporations stopped increments to staff pension contributions, by putting salary increases on hold until 2017.

    Any increases to cover inflation were dealt with via end of year bonuses. Whilst corporations saved some funds, this meant there were less tax receipts for HMRC due to lack of salary increases. The workers were royally shafted by this mechanism because payments into their pensions from their employers were shrunk for 19 years.


    Whilst New Labour had a plentiful supply of cheap labour that helped the UK economy to expand without facing the issue of spiralling wages, they short-changed UK citizens on many ways.

    There were ALSO these unforeseen losses HMRC tax suffered due to NO salary increases offered to UK citizens over this 15 year period.


    1. The misguided Immigration policy adopted by New Labour, allowed 3.6 million souls to enter this country over 17 years.
    2. This spawned the emergence of UKIP and helped create four- or five-party politics in the UK for the first time.
    3. This put excessive pressure on existing housing stock and forced housing prices to skyrocket.
    4. This caused UK salaries to flatline, which caused HMRS to lose out on several tens of billions in tax receipts since 1997.
    5. This caused 100s of 1,000’s of UK citizens to lose their jobs due to being undercut by cheaper imported labour on cleverly constructed contracts exploited by corporations like the big Banks.
    6. Globalisation strategy saw 10’s of 1,000’s of UK jobs being outsourced abroad.
    7. This shortfall in tax revenues between 1999 and 2002 triggered Gordon Brown to stupidly sell the UK’s gold at a discounted price, when gold was at a 20 year low, simply to bail out an American Bank and to balance the budget.
    8. Labour threw open doors to mass migration in secret plot to make a multicultural UK, this was done without asking the people what we wanted.


    Between 1999 and 2002, Mr Brown ordered the sale of almost 400 tons of the gold reserves when the price was at a 20-year low. Since then, the price has more than quadrupled, meaning the decision cost taxpayers an estimated £7 billion, according to Mike Warburton of the accountants Grant Thornton.


    Finally, when the true immigration figures were released, the penny dropped for everyone why the housing prices were so inflated.  The “No more Boom or Bust” game was truly exposed for the lie it was. New Labour systematically destroyed Great Britain Plc.

    Unfortunately, due political hatred against the Conservatives and UKIP stirred up by the media, it took a full 15 to 17 years before the populace woke up to the farce New Labour had dragged them through. It was only then at the 2010 General Election, where they voted in Conservatives and Liberal Democrats who formed the COALITION that finally dethroned New Labour.

    The public finally began to see through the aberration of the PROGRESSIVISM policies and extensive damage caused by the flawed policies Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s New Labour.

    Sadly, due to political marketing spin, hype and lack of political integrity, the Coalition carried on with this PROGESSIVISM charade until the public finally began to understand the full ramifications of the New Labour and Coalition lies and deceit over the previous 19 years until Nigel Farage forced the BREXIT Referendum in 2016.

    Britons in years to come, will look back on this period of history and commend Mr Farage for his wisdom and tenacity in following through with this mission under extremely trying circumstances and pressure.

    The moral of the story is that people should be less emotionally tied to a political party because of inherited prejudices, such as the fact that their parents voted for "X", therefore it was good enough for them to do the same, or because the left leaning liberal press persistently bad mouth a political Party or brand their policies racist, simply to shut them up, when the left are losing the argument.

    People should NOT be lazy, they should do their homework and research the topic from NON mainstream media, who have been proven time and time again to play towards a globalist, liberal narrative, which as this paper has illustrated, appears to have been a gargantuan cataclysmic failure of epic proportions.


    We are all Brexiteers, whether we like it or not, so it is time to pull together and all start rowing our boat in the same direction. If we fail to do this simple thing, Britain stands to lose a lot more than what New Labour did in those seventeen years of Progressive lunacy.  We need to grow up as a culture and start supporting policies over people, logic over emotion.

    Every British citizen should put their political differences aside and pull together in a united cohesive supportive block and look for the positives in what life could look like post the Brexit. We must get behind Theresa May, give her our support and put the GREAT back into Great Britain.

    Sunday, 16 April 2017

    Syria Gas attack: A short story about evidence

    Danielle Ryan shares a short story about evidence

    On Twitter yesterday, journalist Peter Hitchens asked BBC Newsnight’s diplomatic editor Mark Urban to provide evidence for the assertion that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was actually responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Ghouta in 2013.

    Here’s the conversation that ensued.

    Do you believe the western media are being irresponsible as Peter Hitchens has alluded?

    Would be a sad day for the UK if this happens.

    As reported by the DailyMail, if Theresa May decides to drop out of running the UK, the UK would lose a vital asset in her. Ms may is the most popular and effective Prime Minister the UK has had for a very long time.

    The most popular and effective Prime Minister the UK has had.

    Mrs May is currently one of the most popular PMs in British political history. Her poll lead is nudging 20 points, her approval rating is 54 points ahead of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and she’s winning by-elections in areas that were previously bandit country for the Tories. Yet after only nine months in Downing Street, many colleagues are already starting to pen her political obituary........

    What are your thoughts on this issue?

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    Notwithstanding the fact that it was the Conservative Party that signed away the keys to Britain's  sovereignty when John Major signed ...