Monday, 25 February 2019

You CANNOT TRUST the Mainstream Media - Here is Why.

What was I just saying in the last few articles...... Buyer Beware ..... when you read anything in the Mainstream Media, which is a corrupt industry that should be more aptly renamed LAMESTREAM MEDIA.

Here is another example of the collusion between the media, celebrities and the New World Order (NWO), which is why you must look to read real news from NON mainstream media as well to get a full 360 degrees of the picture and not the narrative of the NWO! 

WaPo Quietly Deletes Branson's Venezuela Concert From Article After 'Fake' Attendance Figures Exposed 

As explained by Tyler Durden in the below article featured on Zero HedgeThe Washington Post has stealth-edited all mention of Richard Branson's Venezuela aid concert in Cucuta, Colombia, after the paper originally claimed that the event "drew a crowd of more than 200,000 people Friday."

Branson hoped to attract 250,000 people to the concert and raise $100 million to "buy food and medicine for Venezuelans suffering widespread shortages."

The original version of the article, written by WaPo's South American bureau chief Anthony Faiola and two other journalists, can still be seen at the Mercury Newswhich aggregated it before the changes were made (including a headline change).
The attention on Saturday remained immediately focused on the single largest staging ground for aid in Cucuta, Colombia — where a massive benefit concert hosted by British billionaire Richard Branson drew a crowd of more than 200,000 people Friday. -WaPo via the Mercury News
It can also be seen in a current Google search for the article:

second version of the article mentions Branson, but eliminates the 200,000 figure: "A convoy of 14 trucks bearing 280 tons of aid was being prepped near a warehouse loading dock here in Cucutá, where thousands of volunteers had camped overnight following a massive benefit concert for Venezuela put on by British billionaire Richard Branson."

And the most recent version of the article has no mention of Branson or his concert

Why the change of heart?

A Saturday analysis by Moon of Alabama revealed that WaPo's 200,000 figure was Fake News. 
"200,000 people?" asks MOA.

MOA notes that RT correspondent "Dan Cohen was in the VIP area in front of the stage"

Here's where the Post's 200,000 claim is destroyed. MOA used Google Maps to check the size of the concert area and performs a bit of math:

The stage was build at the top right across both roadways with its front towards the southwest. There was room for a few hundred VIP and reporters right in front of it. The field where the plebs were kept away lies between the north to south treeline at the right and the north to south ditch with the two single trees. According to the Google map scale the field's northern edge is some 125 meters wide. The crowd was standing at the northern end of the field at a depth of about 50 meters. The density of the static crowd was low to medium with on average 2 to 3 people per square meter.
125m * 50m = 6,250 m2 * 2.5 people/m2 = 15,625 people
One may generously add a count of one or two thousand for the people mingling around in the back of the public area. In total there may have been up to 18,000, but certainly no more than 20,000 people at the concert. -Moon of Alabama
In short, Fake News


The war mongering American Government is yet again creating mayhem in geopolitics all because they want to control the flow of oil coming out of Venezuela.



It recently became well known that Venezuela has much more oil than Saudi Arabia.  That is a whole lot of money sitting on the very doorstep of America ready to be plundered or diverted into their warring coffers.  If you do NOT think this is about OIL, then ask yourself why America did not intervene in Zimbabwe, when Robert Mugabe plunded and decimated his country...... he created far worse pain, economic havoc and damage on his people than Venezuela has ever exerienced? 

Oh... I forgot to mention Zimbabwe has NO oil, so of course the alighty American War Machine was not interested.

This Venezuela crisis is ALL about OIL and REGIME CHANGE so the greedy war machine in America can get their grubby hands on the OIL. Can you see the hypocrisy here ...or... are you also stupid like President Trump, Obama & Bush's Administrations?

Here are the top countries with the biggest proven oil reserves, as reported by EIA.
  1. Venezuela. Proven oil reserves in 2013 (billion barrels): 297.6. ...
  2. Saudi Arabia. Proven oil reserves (billion barrels): 267.91. ...
  3. Canada. Proven oil reserves:  (billion barrels): 173.105. ...
  4. Iran. Proven oil reserves:  (billion barrels): 154.58. ...
  5. Iraq:   (billion barrels): 143 ...
  6. Kuwait:   (billion barrels): 102 ...
  7. United Arab Emirates:   (billion barrels): 98 ...
  8. Russia:   (billion barrels): 80 ...

Clearly America and the POODLES that follow her every command like Britain, France and the EU, have NOT learned their lessons from Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria...... it is history repeating itself over and over again and the LAMESTREAM MEDIA are letting them get away with it.

The following article comes from The Economic Collapse…and should make every sane human being both sad and worried.

Shocking Intel: It Is Being Alleged That Weapons And Ammunition Are Being Moved Into Position For The Coming War In Venezuela

It looks like the war in Venezuela could begin as soon as next month, and it doesn’t appear that there will initially be much opposition to the conflict in the United States.  There is widespread bipartisan support for “regime change” in Venezuela among both Democrats and Republicans, and the mainstream media is clearly willing to go along for the ride.  Donald Trump is now surrounded by extremely hawkish advisers that are very eager to do something about Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, and if Trump decides to pull the trigger it is likely that the vast majority of his supporters will fully back the decision.  And at this point most of the other major western nations are also calling for Maduro to go, but Maduro insists that he isn’t going anywhere.  So a peaceful solution to this crisis appears to be out of the question, and that means that war is almost certainly coming.

This weekend was the first step.  If western aid could be forced across the border, it would show that Maduro was losing control of the country.  But if Maduro was able to block the aid that was coming across, that would make him look like a leader that doesn’t care about his people to those in the western world, and sympathetic media reports would help drum up support for war.  Of course by now most of us have seen images of the violence that happened along the border over the weekend, and a lot of blood was needlessly shed.  The following comes from Vox
Starting Friday, violent clashes erupted at several points along Venezuela’s border with Colombia as armed government forces tried to block shipments of aid from entering the country. By the end of Saturday, at least four people had reportedly been killed along that line and along the Latin American country’s border with Brazil; hundreds more were injured. Maduro has insisted that the humanitarian supplies are unnecessary and spent the weekend continuing to celebrate his ongoing rule with his supporters — even as the United States and other international leaders amped up calls for him to step down.
CNN, MSNBC and Fox News are going to endlessly run footage of the violent clashes over the weekend, and this will build support for whatever action is ultimately taken.

During the Bush years, direct military action was the preferred model, and we saw this in Afghanistan and Iraq.  During the Obama years, arming the “resistance” and starting civil wars was the preferred model, and we saw this in Syria and Ukraine.

So what will Trump ultimately decide to do?

Well, the Russians appear to believe that in this case the Obama model will be followed, and they are accusing the United States of making preparations to arm the opposition in Venezuela.  According to Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, the U.S. has already transported special forces personnel and military equipment “closer to Venezuelan territory”
Zakharova alleged that the US had moved special forces and military equipment ‘closer to Venezuelan territory’ and was considering large-scale weapons purchases to arm the opposition.

Noting that it had been five years since the Ukrainian revolution that ousted a Russian-backed leader – which Moscow has accused the US of orchestrating – Zakharova said Washington was preparing for more regime change in Venezuela.

‘It seems that in Washington there is nothing to mark the fifth anniversary of the coup d’etat in Ukraine, so they decided to hold a new coup d’etat,’ she said.
She also told the press that the U.S. is planning to transfer “a large batch of weapons and ammunition” from an Eastern European nation to those that are ready to fight against Maduro’s government in Venezuela…
“We have evidence that US companies and their NATO allies are working on the issue of acquiring a large batch of weapons and ammunition in an Eastern European country for their subsequent transfer to Venezuelan opposition forces”, she said during the briefing.
If these allegations are true, the United States is about to turn Venezuela into a horrific war zone.
And Zakharova went on to say that “the cargo” is scheduled to arrive in Venezuela “in early March”
“The cargo is set to arrive in Venezuela in early March through a neighboring country on aircraft flown by an international shipping company,” she said.
Could it be possible that everything that the Russians are saying is untrue?


But when they publicly call us out on something like this, they usually have their ducks in a row.  And if these allegations are true and the Russians were able to acquire this information somehow, this represents a stunning security failure for the U.S. military.

Of course a civil war is quite unlikely to be successful in overthrowing Maduro, and it is still possible that President Trump may opt for direct action by the U.S. military.

In fact, it appears that Venezuela’s self-declared “acting president” Juan Guaido could be on the verge of formally asking the U.S. military for help in “the liberation of our homeland”
The threat comes just Guaido announced he would attend a summit of the Lima Group – a meeting of 12 American states which have recognized him as “legitimate” leader of Venezuela.
Crucially, Guaido is to meet with US Vice President Mike Pence at the summit where he will “propose formally to the international community that we should keep open all options for the liberation of our homeland, which is fighting and will continue to fight,” according to a tweeted statement Saturday evening.
If Guaido does officially request U.S. military intervention, it will only be because the U.S. has already assured him that he will get it.

In recent days, President Trump has repeatedly stated that all options are “open” when it comes to Venezuela, and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stressed the same thing during an interview with Fox News on Sunday
It appears this weekend’s provocations and border showdown over US aid entering Venezuela were just the beginning. US State Secretary Mike Pompeo discussed the prospect of military action against Caracas on Fox News Sunday, saying the Maduro regime’s days are “numbered” and that “every option” is on the table toward making that happen.
Pompeo said the US is “going to do the things that need to be done” and this will not stop until “makes sure” that “there is a brighter future for the people of Venezuela,” which includes continued support for self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaido.
There are a few voices on the right and a few voices on the left that are speaking out against war in Venezuela, but right now the overwhelming consensus in Washington is that regime change is necessary.

Needless to say, whenever there is an overwhelming consensus on something in Washington, it is usually a really, really bad idea.

Michael Snyder's regular readers already know that I believe that the U.S. should not be “the police of the world”, and that if we are going to ask young American men and women to die it should be for a very, very good reason.

Replacing one socialist leader in Venezuela with a slightly less socialist leader does not qualify.

But the winds of war are now blowing all over the globe, and this is something that I detailed in my recent article entitled “‘Wars And Rumors Of Wars’: The U.S., Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, India And Pakistan All Move Closer To Military Conflict”.

Steve Quayle has noticed all of the war talk as well, and in his most recent alert he called these “very dangerous times”
Michael Snyder has written this article with a very heavy heart.  Like many of us, he has a really bad feeling about what is going to happen, and wishes that he could do something to stop it.

Peace is being taken from the Earth, and what is coming next is going to shock all of us.

Sunday, 24 February 2019


For many everyday hardworking, patriotic Britons - it beggars belief that so many Britons, including the "Lamestream media journalists" and "Remainer MPs",  failed to comprehend what it means to give-up the sovereignty of one's country

One could presume in their defence, there is a simple explanation;

It is probably because this demographic ('unpatriotic Britons') were frightened of change and found this whole BREXIT debacle too confusing to fully wrap their minds around.... UNLIKE those who were able to fully comprehend the impact of selling out one's sovereignty, whilst also being forced to pay the EU dictatorship £39 Billion in the process!

 Alas, the mystery of how one can be so confused is now solved.
The narrative below is a simple concise explanation of the whole complex Brexit process and is set out in terms, even Homer Simpson could understand. 

For Homer Simpson it is now crystal clear, so much so, that Homer raises a question and states the obvious at the end of this narrative for those confused MPs to contemplate: 

For those of you who do not play golf, FEAR NOT the following is a transcript of a conversation that took place at a golf club where allegedly some of those who have been involved in Brexit happen to hang out........

 The Golf Club and Brexit.

Mr 'Dafydd' Davis is at the golf club returning his locker key when Mr Barnier, the membership secretary sees him.

"Hello Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier, "I'm sorry to hear you are no longer renewing your club membership, if you would like to come to my office we can settle your account."

"I have settled my bar bill." says Mr Davis.

"Ah yes, Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier, "but there are other matters that need settlement."

In Mr Barnier's office, Mr Davis explains that he has settled his bar bill so wonders what else he can possibly owe the Golf Club?

"Well Mr Davis," begins Mr Barnier, "you did agree to buy one of our Club Jackets".

"Yes," agrees Mr Davis "I did agree to buy a jacket but I haven't received it yet.  As soon as you supply the jacket I will send you a cheque for the full amount."

"That will not be possible" explains Mr Barnier, "As you are no longer a club member you will not be entitled to buy one of our jackets!"

"But you still want me to pay for it." exclaims Mr Davis.

"Yes!" says Mr Barnier, "That will be £500 for the jacket.  There is also your bar bill."

"But I've already settled my bar bill." says Mr Davis.

"Yes," says Mr Barnier, "but as you can appreciate, we need to place our orders from the Brewery in advance to ensure our bar is properly stocked.  You regularly used to spend at least £50 a week in the bar so we have placed orders with the brewery accordingly for the coming year.  You therefore owe us £2,600 for the year."

"Will you still allow me to have these drinks?" asks Mr Davis.

"No of course not Mr Davis.  You are no longer a club member!" says Mr Barnier.

"Next is your restaurant bill." continues Mr Barnier, "In the same manner we have to make arrangements in advance with our catering suppliers.  Your average restaurant bill was in the order of £300 a month, so we'll require payment of £3,600 for the next year."

"I don't suppose you'll be letting me have these meals either." asks Mr Davis.

"No, of course not," says an irritated Mr Barnier, "as you are no longer a club member!"

"Then of course," Mr Barnier continues, "there are repairs to the clubhouse roof."

"Clubhouse roof," exclaims Mr Davis, "what's that got to do with me?"

"Well it still needs to be repaired and the builders are coming in next week, your share of the bill is £2,000."

"I see," says Mr Davis, "anything else?"

"Now you mention it," says Mr Barnier, "there is Fred the Barman's pension.  We would like you to pay £5 a week towards Fred's pension when he retires next month.  He's not well you know so I doubt we'll need to ask you for payment for longer than about five years, so £1,300 should do it.  This brings your total bill to £10,000." says Mr Barnier.

"Let me get this straight" says Mr Davis, "you want me to pay £500 for a jacket you won't let me have, £2,600 for beverages you won't let me drink and £3,600 for food you won't let me eat, all under a roof I won't be allowed under and not served by a bloke who's going to retire next month!"

"Yes, it's all perfectly clear and quite reasonable." says Mr Barnier. 
Now even the Media can understand what Brexit is all about!
As promised, the question raised by Homer Simpson...... 

"What about the UK's share in ALL the assets created by the EU since the UK joined this EU CABAL / Diktat, where is the reimbursement for the UK's capital invested in those assets........?"
Homer goes on to add, "If I can understand what has happened, then surely all the MPs in the great British Parliament should know that Britons were conned over 40 yrs ago, when what they thought their Government had signed into was the Common Market for trade. How they ever got tied into Europe as they are presently, is a complete farce and certainly not what anyone at that time thought or expected to happen.  

 What really beggars belief, is that now those unpatriotic Britons are undermining democracy to the point where they are even happy to pay through the nose if they are forced to leave the EU because of a successful Brexit!"


Yet again we see how the mainstream media has lost ALL integrity with their fake news and blind faith in pushing the odious narratives of the New World Order (NWO).

Where are the ‘empty shelves’? asks Max Blumenthal as he tours Caracas supermarket. In an article only published in RT News, a media organisation who is prepared challenge the narrative of the New World Order (NWO).

Blumenthal writes “Grocery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce” in Venezuela, the UK Independent weeps. The country’s shops remain open but “sparsely stocked,” The Guardian laments. Even “basic commodities” such as toothbrushes aren’t available for purchase, CNN bemoans. “Hungry” Venezuelans must choose between “torture or starvation,” Bloomberg grimly concludes. Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela gives the impression that President Nicolas Maduro is slowly starving his own people – a narrative which, as journalist Max Blumenthal found after surveying a massive supermarket in Caracas, is wildly deceptive.

Also as illustrated below by Caitlin Johnstone via the Celebs, billionaires and wannabee Celebs are all climbing on the bandwagon to help influence the masses to accept NWO narrative. 

They’re lying to us about Venezuela. Anyone with access to alternative media has access to the fact that they’re lying to us about Venezuela. We know this for a fact. We also know for a fact that Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves on planet Earth, and that in spite of all these appeals to the humanitarian impulses of the US empire the Trump administration is openly interested in controlling that oil. We also know for a fact that US interventionism in modern times is consistently disastrous, and consistently never truly about humanitarianism. We also know for a fact that PNAC neocon Elliott Abrams, who is spearheading this “humanitarian aid” initiative, has previously used humanitarian aid as a pretext for arming militia groups in Nicaragua.

If you have access to alternative media, all of these facts are easily available to you. If all of these facts are easily available to you, and yet you still support the US government’s interventionism in Venezuela, you are a complete fucking moron.

That’s really all I wanted to say here. I have less than zero respect for those who join with Donald Trump, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jair Bolsonaro, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Fox News and MSNBC in manufacturing consent for this agenda, and I don’t care who gets their feelings hurt by my saying so. If you’ve been a longtime reader of mine and you still support Trump’s starvation sanctionsCIA opsgrooming and attempted installation of US vassal Juan Guaidó, and brazen propaganda war upon the minds of the unsuspecting US populace with the goal of toppling a sovereign nation’s government, then my writing hasn’t gotten through to you and you have gotten nothing out of it.
I’ve interacted with so many Trump supporters since I started this gig who claim to be anti-interventionist and anti-neocon, yet once their president started ramping up yet another neocon regime change intervention in yet another resource-rich country just like Bush and Obama before him, they fell right in line just like Bush and Obama’s supporters did. Ask them why and they’ll mumble something inarticulate about the absence of US boots on the ground (a point Obama’s defenders also made about Libya and Syria) or about hating socialism, but in reality the reason they support Trump’s regime change interventionism in yet another oil-rich country is because they are foam-brained human livestock who believe whatever the leader of their tribe tells them to.

Not all Trump voters have done this, but many of them have. For the most part those who continue to support this president are at best deadly silent on Venezuela, and are at worst actively cheering this bullshit on with everything they’ve got.

I actually have more respect for the people who have always been plugged into the CIA/CNN narrative than I have for those who saw through it during Obama’s interventions but not during Trump’s. Someone who has always been plugged into the mainstream narratives on US regime change interventionism is like a guy with his head up his ass. Someone who saw through Obama’s depravity in Libya and Syria but fails to do the same with Venezuela is like a guy who pulled his head out of his ass, then soaked his hair with lube and willfully re-inserted it.
There is no excuse for supporting the USA’s obvious lies and sociopathic interventionism in a sovereign nation. None. Wise the fuck up, people.

*  *  * End of Caitlin Johnstone's illuminating piece *  *  *


Please read on.

From the presentation in the below three articles by Vladislav Sotirovic via Oriental Review, one can see that the New World Order (NWO) have for some while now been orchestrating wars based on intervention and regime change, BUT to what end?  Ever since Cold War ended the USA is obviously after 1989 guided in foreign affairs primarily by its national interests and geopolitical aims, much of which is dictated by regime change, humanitarian intervention and oil.

Below, there are three links to extremely well documented articles below that add more evidence that the mainstream media CANNOT be trusted as they have been the PUPPETS of the NWO since the late sixties.
The information furnished in this trilogy of NWO intervention it is quite clear that NATO’s military action against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999 cannot be characterized as a just war of “humanitarian intervention” even according to the criteria by the 17th-century Dutch philosopher Hugo Grotius not to speak about the modern set of criteria incorporated into the UN Charter and Public International Law. Therefore, the action was rather a classic example of brutal military aggression against a sovereign state covered by politicized Western mass media. It is true that “media are not only spectator in modern conflicts, but must be considered active participants forming public opinion and also creating and directing threat perception” that was exactly the case of the 1998−1999 Kosovo War when the Western corporate mass media succeeded to convince public opinion that NATO’s “humanitarian intervention” was a just war.

 The term „humanitarian intervention“ is the American political neologism (newly coined word) to morally cover a new format of  Washington’s global imperialism at the time of the post-Cold War’s „New World Order“ in which the USA feel very comfortable to play a role of a global policeman. Theoretically, according to the Western conception of „humanitarian intervention“, one or more states (the USA and the NATO) have a moral (quasi) obligation and/or right to intervene into the internal affairs of other state, if this state (according to the self-evaluation by Washington) does not respect commonly accepted principles of humanitarian law but in particular if the task of such military intervention is to save the lives of a particular group of people (minority) which the state’s authorities, to be intervened against, either threatens or is incapable of protecting. Here it is not of any importance whether such a group is of domestic or foreign origin (citizens). 

 It is a very fact that modern Public International Law strictly prohibits either any threat of armed force by any sovereign political entity (state) or use of armed force by any state acting without the authorization of the UNSC on the foundation of the VII Chapter of the UN Charter. In other words, the use of force, including an armed (military) intervention, is possible only under the umbrella of the UN Charter but after the authorization by the UNSC in accordance to the idea of collective security. Here, two questions arise: What is Public International Law and What is collective security? 

NATO’s Aggression Against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999

The NATO launched a military intervention against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) on March 24th, 1999 in the name of protection of human rights of Kosovo Albanians. In other words, the 78 days of barbaric air-strikes were formally justified by “humanitarian intervention” which was mainly based on the false flags and fake news (like the Rachak case) by Western corporate mass media or brutal lies from the ground (like by William Walker – a Head of the Kosovo Verification Mission).


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