Sunday, 24 February 2019


For many everyday hardworking, patriotic Britons - it beggars belief that so many Britons, including the "Lamestream media journalists" and "Remainer MPs",  failed to comprehend what it means to give-up the sovereignty of one's country

One could presume in their defence, there is a simple explanation;

It is probably because this demographic ('unpatriotic Britons') were frightened of change and found this whole BREXIT debacle too confusing to fully wrap their minds around.... UNLIKE those who were able to fully comprehend the impact of selling out one's sovereignty, whilst also being forced to pay the EU dictatorship £39 Billion in the process!

 Alas, the mystery of how one can be so confused is now solved.
The narrative below is a simple concise explanation of the whole complex Brexit process and is set out in terms, even Homer Simpson could understand. 

For Homer Simpson it is now crystal clear, so much so, that Homer raises a question and states the obvious at the end of this narrative for those confused MPs to contemplate: 

For those of you who do not play golf, FEAR NOT the following is a transcript of a conversation that took place at a golf club where allegedly some of those who have been involved in Brexit happen to hang out........

 The Golf Club and Brexit.

Mr 'Dafydd' Davis is at the golf club returning his locker key when Mr Barnier, the membership secretary sees him.

"Hello Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier, "I'm sorry to hear you are no longer renewing your club membership, if you would like to come to my office we can settle your account."

"I have settled my bar bill." says Mr Davis.

"Ah yes, Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier, "but there are other matters that need settlement."

In Mr Barnier's office, Mr Davis explains that he has settled his bar bill so wonders what else he can possibly owe the Golf Club?

"Well Mr Davis," begins Mr Barnier, "you did agree to buy one of our Club Jackets".

"Yes," agrees Mr Davis "I did agree to buy a jacket but I haven't received it yet.  As soon as you supply the jacket I will send you a cheque for the full amount."

"That will not be possible" explains Mr Barnier, "As you are no longer a club member you will not be entitled to buy one of our jackets!"

"But you still want me to pay for it." exclaims Mr Davis.

"Yes!" says Mr Barnier, "That will be £500 for the jacket.  There is also your bar bill."

"But I've already settled my bar bill." says Mr Davis.

"Yes," says Mr Barnier, "but as you can appreciate, we need to place our orders from the Brewery in advance to ensure our bar is properly stocked.  You regularly used to spend at least £50 a week in the bar so we have placed orders with the brewery accordingly for the coming year.  You therefore owe us £2,600 for the year."

"Will you still allow me to have these drinks?" asks Mr Davis.

"No of course not Mr Davis.  You are no longer a club member!" says Mr Barnier.

"Next is your restaurant bill." continues Mr Barnier, "In the same manner we have to make arrangements in advance with our catering suppliers.  Your average restaurant bill was in the order of £300 a month, so we'll require payment of £3,600 for the next year."

"I don't suppose you'll be letting me have these meals either." asks Mr Davis.

"No, of course not," says an irritated Mr Barnier, "as you are no longer a club member!"

"Then of course," Mr Barnier continues, "there are repairs to the clubhouse roof."

"Clubhouse roof," exclaims Mr Davis, "what's that got to do with me?"

"Well it still needs to be repaired and the builders are coming in next week, your share of the bill is £2,000."

"I see," says Mr Davis, "anything else?"

"Now you mention it," says Mr Barnier, "there is Fred the Barman's pension.  We would like you to pay £5 a week towards Fred's pension when he retires next month.  He's not well you know so I doubt we'll need to ask you for payment for longer than about five years, so £1,300 should do it.  This brings your total bill to £10,000." says Mr Barnier.

"Let me get this straight" says Mr Davis, "you want me to pay £500 for a jacket you won't let me have, £2,600 for beverages you won't let me drink and £3,600 for food you won't let me eat, all under a roof I won't be allowed under and not served by a bloke who's going to retire next month!"

"Yes, it's all perfectly clear and quite reasonable." says Mr Barnier. 
Now even the Media can understand what Brexit is all about!
As promised, the question raised by Homer Simpson...... 

"What about the UK's share in ALL the assets created by the EU since the UK joined this EU CABAL / Diktat, where is the reimbursement for the UK's capital invested in those assets........?"
Homer goes on to add, "If I can understand what has happened, then surely all the MPs in the great British Parliament should know that Britons were conned over 40 yrs ago, when what they thought their Government had signed into was the Common Market for trade. How they ever got tied into Europe as they are presently, is a complete farce and certainly not what anyone at that time thought or expected to happen.  

 What really beggars belief, is that now those unpatriotic Britons are undermining democracy to the point where they are even happy to pay through the nose if they are forced to leave the EU because of a successful Brexit!"


Yet again we see how the mainstream media has lost ALL integrity with their fake news and blind faith in pushing the odious narratives of the New World Order (NWO).

Where are the ‘empty shelves’? asks Max Blumenthal as he tours Caracas supermarket. In an article only published in RT News, a media organisation who is prepared challenge the narrative of the New World Order (NWO).

Blumenthal writes “Grocery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce” in Venezuela, the UK Independent weeps. The country’s shops remain open but “sparsely stocked,” The Guardian laments. Even “basic commodities” such as toothbrushes aren’t available for purchase, CNN bemoans. “Hungry” Venezuelans must choose between “torture or starvation,” Bloomberg grimly concludes. Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela gives the impression that President Nicolas Maduro is slowly starving his own people – a narrative which, as journalist Max Blumenthal found after surveying a massive supermarket in Caracas, is wildly deceptive.

Also as illustrated below by Caitlin Johnstone via the Celebs, billionaires and wannabee Celebs are all climbing on the bandwagon to help influence the masses to accept NWO narrative. 

They’re lying to us about Venezuela. Anyone with access to alternative media has access to the fact that they’re lying to us about Venezuela. We know this for a fact. We also know for a fact that Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves on planet Earth, and that in spite of all these appeals to the humanitarian impulses of the US empire the Trump administration is openly interested in controlling that oil. We also know for a fact that US interventionism in modern times is consistently disastrous, and consistently never truly about humanitarianism. We also know for a fact that PNAC neocon Elliott Abrams, who is spearheading this “humanitarian aid” initiative, has previously used humanitarian aid as a pretext for arming militia groups in Nicaragua.

If you have access to alternative media, all of these facts are easily available to you. If all of these facts are easily available to you, and yet you still support the US government’s interventionism in Venezuela, you are a complete fucking moron.

That’s really all I wanted to say here. I have less than zero respect for those who join with Donald Trump, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jair Bolsonaro, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Fox News and MSNBC in manufacturing consent for this agenda, and I don’t care who gets their feelings hurt by my saying so. If you’ve been a longtime reader of mine and you still support Trump’s starvation sanctionsCIA opsgrooming and attempted installation of US vassal Juan Guaidó, and brazen propaganda war upon the minds of the unsuspecting US populace with the goal of toppling a sovereign nation’s government, then my writing hasn’t gotten through to you and you have gotten nothing out of it.
I’ve interacted with so many Trump supporters since I started this gig who claim to be anti-interventionist and anti-neocon, yet once their president started ramping up yet another neocon regime change intervention in yet another resource-rich country just like Bush and Obama before him, they fell right in line just like Bush and Obama’s supporters did. Ask them why and they’ll mumble something inarticulate about the absence of US boots on the ground (a point Obama’s defenders also made about Libya and Syria) or about hating socialism, but in reality the reason they support Trump’s regime change interventionism in yet another oil-rich country is because they are foam-brained human livestock who believe whatever the leader of their tribe tells them to.

Not all Trump voters have done this, but many of them have. For the most part those who continue to support this president are at best deadly silent on Venezuela, and are at worst actively cheering this bullshit on with everything they’ve got.

I actually have more respect for the people who have always been plugged into the CIA/CNN narrative than I have for those who saw through it during Obama’s interventions but not during Trump’s. Someone who has always been plugged into the mainstream narratives on US regime change interventionism is like a guy with his head up his ass. Someone who saw through Obama’s depravity in Libya and Syria but fails to do the same with Venezuela is like a guy who pulled his head out of his ass, then soaked his hair with lube and willfully re-inserted it.
There is no excuse for supporting the USA’s obvious lies and sociopathic interventionism in a sovereign nation. None. Wise the fuck up, people.

*  *  * End of Caitlin Johnstone's illuminating piece *  *  *


Please read on.

From the presentation in the below three articles by Vladislav Sotirovic via Oriental Review, one can see that the New World Order (NWO) have for some while now been orchestrating wars based on intervention and regime change, BUT to what end?  Ever since Cold War ended the USA is obviously after 1989 guided in foreign affairs primarily by its national interests and geopolitical aims, much of which is dictated by regime change, humanitarian intervention and oil.

Below, there are three links to extremely well documented articles below that add more evidence that the mainstream media CANNOT be trusted as they have been the PUPPETS of the NWO since the late sixties.
The information furnished in this trilogy of NWO intervention it is quite clear that NATO’s military action against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999 cannot be characterized as a just war of “humanitarian intervention” even according to the criteria by the 17th-century Dutch philosopher Hugo Grotius not to speak about the modern set of criteria incorporated into the UN Charter and Public International Law. Therefore, the action was rather a classic example of brutal military aggression against a sovereign state covered by politicized Western mass media. It is true that “media are not only spectator in modern conflicts, but must be considered active participants forming public opinion and also creating and directing threat perception” that was exactly the case of the 1998−1999 Kosovo War when the Western corporate mass media succeeded to convince public opinion that NATO’s “humanitarian intervention” was a just war.

 The term „humanitarian intervention“ is the American political neologism (newly coined word) to morally cover a new format of  Washington’s global imperialism at the time of the post-Cold War’s „New World Order“ in which the USA feel very comfortable to play a role of a global policeman. Theoretically, according to the Western conception of „humanitarian intervention“, one or more states (the USA and the NATO) have a moral (quasi) obligation and/or right to intervene into the internal affairs of other state, if this state (according to the self-evaluation by Washington) does not respect commonly accepted principles of humanitarian law but in particular if the task of such military intervention is to save the lives of a particular group of people (minority) which the state’s authorities, to be intervened against, either threatens or is incapable of protecting. Here it is not of any importance whether such a group is of domestic or foreign origin (citizens). 

 It is a very fact that modern Public International Law strictly prohibits either any threat of armed force by any sovereign political entity (state) or use of armed force by any state acting without the authorization of the UNSC on the foundation of the VII Chapter of the UN Charter. In other words, the use of force, including an armed (military) intervention, is possible only under the umbrella of the UN Charter but after the authorization by the UNSC in accordance to the idea of collective security. Here, two questions arise: What is Public International Law and What is collective security? 

NATO’s Aggression Against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999

The NATO launched a military intervention against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) on March 24th, 1999 in the name of protection of human rights of Kosovo Albanians. In other words, the 78 days of barbaric air-strikes were formally justified by “humanitarian intervention” which was mainly based on the false flags and fake news (like the Rachak case) by Western corporate mass media or brutal lies from the ground (like by William Walker – a Head of the Kosovo Verification Mission).


Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Nine of the World’s ten Least Peaceful Nations Were All Targeted by US Intervention

inserted below was Written by June 12, 2017; American
The fact that the media are NOT writing and exposing this issue, goes a long way to illustrate just how corrupt the media really is.  They spend hours a week excoriating Putin without a single shred of evidence, except for the word of the FBI and NSA.... but we all know how well that turned out in the WMD analysis for Iraq.  

The original article is as follows;  and can be found at this AntiMedia link or Zerohedge link.
(MPNThe annual Global Peace Index, recently released for June 2017, has found that while the world is more peaceful now than last year, violence has increased significantly overall in the past decade.

Although the situation has improved in many countries, the ten lowest-ranking nations – known as the world’s “least peaceful” countries – have shown little change in recent years.

However, nine of those ten countries share one commonality in the violence that they’ve experienced: U.S.-led destabilization efforts and regime change operations.


Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan: Targets for regime change and manufactured sectarianism

Syria, which ranked last in the June 2017 index, has been in the throes of a U.S.-led regime change effort for the better part of six years – a conflict that has ravaged one of the most prosperous nations in the Middle East and turned it into the latest battleground for a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia.

The U.S. has been planning the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at least as far back as 2006. Since the 2011 “uprising,” the U.S. has continuously funded and armed opposition groups in Syria along with several extremist groups, many of which have since joined terrorist organizations like Daesh (ISIS) and the al-Nusra Front.

The nations that rank just above Syria – Iraq and Afghanistan – were both targets of major U.S. invasions in the early 2000s and the U.S.’ continued presence in both of these countries has greatly contributed to the still-deteriorating situations in both nations.
With the U.S. troop presence growing in Iraq and set to surge dramatically in Afghanistan with the deployment of over 50,000 troops, more conflict is inevitable.

South Sudan: “Nation-building” gone awry

South Sudan, which ranked fourth, has also been victimized by U.S. intervention and “nation-building.”

The U.S. pushed South Sudan to secede from Sudan in 201,1 as South Sudan held 75 percent of Sudan’s oil reserves — the largest oil reserves in all of Africa. Analysts argued that the U.S. sought to create an independent South Sudan in order to dislodge Chinese claims to Sudanese oil, as the Chinese had previously signed oil contracts with the (now Northern) Sudanese government. The U.S.’ significant aid contributions to South Sudan, totalling $1.6 billion between 2013 and 2016, suggest that Washington has sought to influence the government there for that very purpose.

Just two years later, however, South Sudan dissolved into a deadly civil war that has killed tens of thousands and displaced more than 1.5 million. Some analysts have suggested that the civil war broke out between South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit and his former deputy Riek Machar only when Mayardit started to cozy up to China.

The chaos from U.S. meddling in South Sudan has reached beyond its borders and brought trouble to Sudan, with that nation ranking as the eighth least peaceful nation.

Yemen: U.S.-backed Saudi aggressors responsible for famine, war crimes

Yemen, which ranked fifth, has also been involved in a U.S.-linked conflict, though the United States’ role has been less direct. While the U.S. is not leading the fight in Yemen, it has ardently backed the war’s aggressor – Saudi Arabia – from the beginning and has supplied the Saudis with billions of dollars in weapons, as well as occasionally bombed locations in Yemen to aid their Gulf allies.

In addition, the U.S. has turned a blind eye to the Saudis’ numerous war crimes in Yemen, despite the enormity of the tragedy unfolding there, including blocking aid shipments and consequently triggering widespread famine. The U.S. has been eager to see Saudi influence continue in Yemen – as it was prior to the conflict – due to Yemen’s location, which grants it control over the strategic strait of Bab al-Mandab, a chokepoint for the Saudi oil trade.

Yemen is followed by Somalia in the rankings.

Somalia: State of anarchy persists thanks to U.S. involvement

U.S. involvement in Somalia has a long history and reached a climax in the early 1990s, when the U.S.-supported military dictatorship of Siad Barre was overthrown, plunging the nation into civil war.

Thanks to Somalia’s strategic location for global oil markets at the mouth of the Red Sea, the U.S. became involved and, according to a staffer for the chief of the UN Somalia operation, “dragged the UN into Somalia kicking and screaming.” Somalia remained in a state of anarchy for 16 years until a coalition of Islamic courts took over the capital in 2006. However, this government was soon overthrown by Ethiopia with U.S. support.

Current U.S. anti-terrorism policy in Somalia, which includes the use of airstrikes, has been blamed for worsening the nation’s conflict and its burgeoning humanitarian crisis, having driven the nation into famine.

  Libya: Plunged into chaos after challenging U.S. petrodollar

Another recent victim of U.S. regime change efforts, Libya now ranks as the seventh least peaceful nation in the world. Once one of the most prosperous nations in Africa, former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi made the “mistake” of challenging the U.S. petrodollar system by creating a gold-backed pan-African currency known as the dinar. Following his ouster, Libya was essentially transformed into a failed state where there is still no clear government, terrorism runs rampant and slaves are now openly traded in public.

Ukraine: Targeted by U.S.-led coup over gas industry

Ukraine, which was the target of a U.S.-led coup in 2014 to weaken the influence of Russia’s lucrative gas industry on European gas markets, now ranks tenth among the least peaceful nations in the world. The only nation ranking near the bottom that has not experienced clear U.S. involvement is the Central African Republic, which ranks ninth.

The United States’ not-so-peaceful ranking

The United States itself also plummeted dramatically in this year’s Global Peace Index, now ranking 114 out of the 163 nations surveyed. This decrease was the greatest decline measured in any country this year.

Statisticians have blamed divisiveness that has made itself plain following the 2016 presidential election, as well as a continued rise in homicide rates.

The United States’ involvement in military conflicts abroad is not factored into its ranking, meaning that this placement is conservative at best. As indicated by the ten lowest-ranking nations, if this factor were taken into consideration, the U.S. could likely find itself at the bottom of the list for its role in spurring disastrous and deadly conflicts around the world under the guise of foreign policy.

By Whitney Webb 

==== End of article ====


We are not being well informed by the media, they are the mouth piece of the Global Elitists, who have a plan archited by the PROGRESSIVES. Progressives are found in all Political Parties across the political divide....... they have infiltrated every walk of life over the last 50 years.  Any narratives that upset the powerbase of America's war-machine-economy OR news painting a negative narrative against any party that is being pushed as part of their agenda is quickly sanitised and silenced.

How many times have people been surprised by how quickly certain big news stories disappear from the headlines.... well, now you have a clue.

One has to ask who can we trust?  

  1. The main-stream media are shown to be biased, negative, fake, misleading and not fit for purpose any longer. 
  2. The Governments have lied to the populace so many times, it is now a shock when a politician is genuinely honest and candid, such as we have witnessed from Nigel Farage when he kicks the living daylights out of those EU MEP's in their parliament.
Before you answer that question.  We have just witnessed a classic "Cluster-FCYK" with the British 2017 General Election, where a newly appointed Prime Minister decided to call a snap election.

Have you been taken in by all the and anti-government, anti-Conervative, anti-Brexit media spin?  If not, you are one of a very small percentage.  Sadly, most of the populace believes what they hear, see and read from the main stream media these days because they have been brainwashed from school as to the who, what, where and when by the PROGRESSIVE agenda that has slowly and stealthily infiltrated our education system both at school / college and University level.    
If you are in any way confused by what is meant by PROGRESSIVISM or PROGRESSIVES, please take the time to read "TitanicBritain" by Joe Cater, which is an excellent 'BLUNT' eye opener for both sides of the political divide as to just how insidious and poisonous this movement is for each and every one of us.   Read and weep because of how we have all been fooled by this odious disease.

Everyone should broaden the sources of where they seek their information, take a look at web based new aggregators like, from there you can build up a rich list of blogs and alternate new websites where you can gain access to enriched analysis and ALL facts, irrespective of what narrative they support. (LIKE the article above I have shared with you):

Happy blogging.


The General Election on June 8th 2017 had a few different surprises for many people, especially for Theresa May.  The way May and her advisors dealt with her cabinet colleagues in the days leading up to and during the election period was quite diabolical and a travesty in the making to say the least.

We all know that not only did Theresa May neglect to have collective input into the contents of the Conservative 2017 manifesto from her colleagues, she snubbed the Conservative Membership as well. It was like she did not trust anyone but herself, she held her cards close to her chest, barricaded herself behind her two advisors and shouted "tally-ho".

This was unlike Jeremy Corbyn's approach, which was collegiate, based on work, input and feedback from his team.


Almost ALL of the mainstream Media is yet again only looking at the HALF-EMPTY glass and stirring up negativity, which is NOT only IRRESPONSIBLE, it is clearly traitorous and anti Great Britain. As I flick from channel to channel, it is quite apparent that the media cannot help itself, every broadcast is focusing on the negative, looking at how they can undermine the current government and party in power.

Why is it that most of the UK journalist are patently unable to look at the positives that came out of this fiasco, why is it they feel that only bitching, tearing down those who are trying to do what is right for this country is good journalism?

Yes, we know that many people thought, May could have avoided this fiasco by not being obtuse in the first place. As inferred by many, one doubts whether she could tell you how she thought she would win the animal lovers / pensioners / public sector workers, with her manifesto...... " Vote for us, we want to kill foxes, make old people freeze and not give public sector workers a pay rise.... oh and your kids won't get a hot lunch."

We all know the negative aspects, now we would like to hear about the POSITIVE aspects.

The Media should dig deep into those BIG brains of theirs' and start looking at the positives and begin fostering a positive media environment for Great Britain to prosper.

  1. The irritation of SNP baying for a second Scottish Referendum to leave the Union has been put to bed, at least for this generation.
  2. The incorporation of the DUP in government, who are pro the Union, which helps to strengthen the Union.
  3. The stopping in it's tracks of a new middle ground "PROGESSIVE" Party promoted by Tony Blair and the Global elitists.
  4. A humbled Mrs May, which will make for a better job as a listening and empathetic Prime Minister.
  5. Mrs May has a strengthened mandate for carrying out a BREXIT because the DUP as well as many in the Labour Party voted and supported a 'hard Brexit'.
  6. The BREXIT team can now incorporate other cross Party influential players such as Keir Starmer and Nigel Farage as part of the BREXIT negotiating team.
  7. The odious Conservative manifesto has been dumped, which now allows the Conservative's to create a new manifesto that incorporates some of the more public friendly points mentioned in 1,000's of the different blog posts in the last 4 weeks.
  8. Labour lost the election, Conservatives won the election - politicians need to SUCK IT UP and move on with the business at hand.
  9. The Conservatives have got behind Mrs May as was illustrated in the 1922 Committee at their recent forum, so continued calling for her resignation if childish.
  10. May has been forced to relook at the security of this country in light of the recent terrorist attacks, which means that the reduction of Police force members can be reworked and as suggested by so many Britons over the last month, "It is time to look after Britain and Britons, so why nor consider halving Overseas Aid, and spend that cash on Social care, pension and police numbers".


If Theresa May plus members of her Cabinet, other elected Conservative Party members on the back bench and the Conservative Campaign office for that matter do NOT learn anything from this fiasco, they do NOT deserve to run a school fete, let alone this country.

Interestingly, as can be seen from the many 1,000's of blog posts in social media, many of the public believed that it did not occur to Theresa May to have any regrets about her actions by 22:00 on that fated night of the 8th June, because she and her advisors had been drinking their own cool-aid.


We are a great country, full of great people with a wonderful culture. Yes we are a multi-cultural country, which does NOT mean that Britons should forfeit our great culture, that was why we voted for BREXIT. Britons want to protect our sovereignty, our culture and our jobs.

The Media should start focusing on the positives, and use their screen time or printed inches to start pressuring the Government to adopt many of the points raised in the manifesto's from the other Parties as a show of good faith to being truly a government for the people.

We now have a more positive base from which to spring, so hopefully, Mrs May will now adopt a more conciliatory and inclusive style of management with those surrounding her, because if she does not do this, she will surely be replaced as Prime Minister within her own Party.  Lessons should have been learnt from this election, which the Party must act on.  The Party also have to find a way to attract, embrace and enthuse the younger generations; for example it is grossly UNFAIR that England domiciled students have to pay for University, whereas those in Scotland do NOT have to.

Finally, everyone in the UK, irrespective of which side of the Political divide we sit, we ask that Europe stop their whining, the UK will step up when the team are ready.  Watch this space as Mr Juncker becomes even more vociferous to try intimidate us over the next few weeks.

Example on how the mainstream media is letting us all down:  What the Media is NOT telling us.

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