Tuesday, 28 May 2019

The UK's CORRUPTED Mainstream Media & Political System

The public in the UK and indeed around the world can see how corrupt the United Kingdom has become. It is not just the Politics, it is also the UK Media.  Surely, I am not the only person in the UK who is able to see and understand the systemic corruption oozing out of the UK's Media outlets; (TV = Sky news, and BBC news Written Media = All UK papers)?

Sadly, our Media / Communications Regulators appear to be NOT-FIT-FOR-PURPOSE. Who are these Regulators; OFCOM, the Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), which regulates most national newspapers and many other media outlets, and IMPRESS. These are the Government appointed Regulators who are supposed to be holding the Media's feet to the fire. Is it because they are all incapable of recognising the FAKE news that is unfolding on our screens? Almost all of the coverage by the mainstream media has been intrinsically biased against doing a Brexit of any kind.

From as far back as 2016, when the Brexit Referendum took place, the mainstream media started to corrupt the process.

How you ask?

The answer is staring you straight in the face; Brexit was not about left versus right, it was about he withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. It was about the re‐assertion of who governs Great Britain and reinstatement of parliamentary sovereignty as a fundamental principle of the British constitution.

The primary concerns that triggered Brexit was the loss of our SOVEREIGNTY, that then triggered the primary reasons for leaving the EU were as follows; 

"Leave MEANS Leave"  Defined as; leaving both the customs union and the single market, taking back control of our Sovereignty, which included our Laws, Borders, Money and Trade.  

Whilst immigration was a key attributing factor resonating in everyone's mind at the time, it was the Media that used this single attribute as a means to cast aspersions on the Brexiteers, by calling them racist and extreme right wing.

Now, I say this again, in the minds of many LEAVERS immigration was a symptom of a failed political system that gave away our sovereignty and allowed the EU to dictate policies, that exacerbated the immigration issues raised by the Brexiteers.  Immigration was not the cause it was a symptom.

Sadly, the CORRUPT Media saw fit to create a divide between the Left and Right poles of the political spectrum. After all, outrageous headlines sells news papers and creates more clicks on their media, thus generating more advertising revenue.

The media very quickly turned the original premise of Brexit being about the loss of parliamentary sovereignty into a massive war between the Left versus Right.

From here-on-in the UK Media shall be known as the  LAMESTREAM Media because they are criminally biased against anything rational, truthful or slightly right of centre.

What the LAMESTREAM Media ignores is that Brexiteers are from all walks of life, they come from the left, middle & right political spectrum, they are patriots that come in all creeds, religions and colours.

The Brexit Party is the most diverse Political Party every experienced in the United Kingdom, the candidates put up in the EU Parliament Elections this last week illustrates this in HIGH-DEFINITION.

Roll forward to the European elections in 2019, again not only did the corrupt LAMESTREAM Media not afford any AIR TIME or column inches in favour of the Leave Campaign. They spent their entire time spewing out fake news, lies and misconceptions to incite hatred against the Brexiteers, whom they labelled as EXTREME RIGHT WING bigots who did not know what they voted for.

This unfettered corrupt line of thinking was allowed to go on unabated, so much so that immediately after the results of the EUParl Elections were announced, the Media enabled the Left Wing anti-Brexit brigade to spew utter garbage claiming that if you added up all the parties outside of The Brexit Party and UKIP, the Remain Voters accumulated 54% of the Vote against The Leave vote which totalled an impressive 34% of all the votes that were mostly secured by a Political Party that was a mere 6 weeks old.

What the Brexit Party achieved was by far the most amazing achievement in Politics in the history of UK politics, but that was not the news, instead, the LAMESTREAM Media granted as much airtime as possible to anyone on the Remain side to spew this garbage.

Outside of the bubble of corruption, which included the "UK media outlets, the losing Political Parties, the elites, the celebs and the Remainers"; everybody else in the world could see that their assertions were both ridiculous and untrue.

By their screwed up logic, it means that Manchester City did not win the Premier Cup, it was an amalgamation of all the other losing teams goals that gave the win to the LOSERS instead.

Most informed and intelligent Britons know that most of the current crop of Politicians are not the brightest bulbs in the pack, that said they are probably bright enough to not bring into law any legislation that would criminalise them for ignoring the will of the people. So seeing any of them doing prison time for what has just happened in the halls of Westminster is a pipe dream unless a new crop of Politicians who are endowed with a moral compass that is founded on integrity and probity find their way into Parliament as part of a new political party.

This brings us onto the next General Election (GE), which Jeremy Corbyn has been banging on about. The Brexit Party is now gearing up to wipe the smile off all those Remainer and unpatriotic smug mugs.

We the 17.4 million patriots say BRING IT ON. Let the GE happen sooner than later. The patriots of this United Kingdom need to drain the swamp.


Let us set Brexit aside, this article is about whether democracy as we used to know it and how it has been brazenly corrupted in broad daylight by the media and self-serving Politicians.  The voting records on the Brexit issues are now a written record of the Political crimes committed by these Politicians.  In years to come after an inquiry has taken place, it will be said that if there was crime that penalised the taking a seat at the table in Parliament based on election manifesto promises and not fulfilling those promises or blatantly ignoring them once in the halls of powers then over 80% of the Politicians resident in the House of Parliament today would be incarcerated.

The change is coming to Parliament, The Brexit Party will ensure that it has a manifesto derived from input of the masses who are patriots and love this country.  This will also include a Constitution that addresses the corrupt system that has failed this country for so long, which will include a massive change in how the Media behaves going forward.

We need a new modernised form of Politics that honour the integrity and morality of democracy, a politics that treats the will of the people as sacrosanct.  We would recommend to all of the current MPs that they start to hone your CV's otherwise you could find yourselves joining the unemployment queues after the next General Election.

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Download these PDF files, search the tables for your MPs name and take a look at their voting record and see whether they have been undermining your instructions mandated to them via your vote at the 2017 election.

(Easter Holidays UPDATE)


Saturday, 13 April 2019


For anyone sitting outside of the BREXIT bubble, watching Britain's BBC Parliament channel, they would have witnessed the shambles that has unfolded in our Parliament. You could not blame them for being dismayed by the way British politicians brazenly undermined the WILL of the People.


What they witnessed would be reminiscent to what has been seen happening in Zimbabwe since Robert Mugabe took over power in 1980. In fact they would probably think that they were watching Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and would have changed the channels because of the malfeasance that has taken place by over 60% of British politicians.

Just like Dictators, the British political houses have stopped listening to the people, ignoring the people's will and instructions at the voting poll. MPs have undermined democracy, they have demonstrably refused to accept the will of the people in a legal Referendum, the result of which they promised to fulfill and carry out in their manifesto and promises to the people when they were sworn in at Parliament.

An MP takes the oath by holding the sacred text in his or her uplifted hand and says the words of the oath.

English wording

I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.

By swearing the oath in Parliament, the MPs are subject to the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament, which we as the people expect them to do with honour and integrity.

When you voted for your MP, you had a full expectation that your MP would act with integrity and honour, but THEY DID NOT, instead they want to call another Referendum, just like Turkey is doing now with their elections.

See the full list of "Rules of Conduct" HERE

Especially, points;

9.  Members are expected to observe the following rules and associated Resolutions of the House.
10.  Members shall base their conduct on a consideration of the public interest, avoid conflict between personal interest and the public interest and resolve any conflict between the two, at once, and in favour of the public interest.
16.  Members shall never undertake any action which would cause significant damage to the reputation and integrity of the House of Commons as a whole, or of its Members generally. 

Why is this worrying?

This raises another question, of who oversees the code of conduct of those in public office?  What exactly have they been doing and why have they NOT taken steps against these errant MPs and the Speaker of the House.  There is enough TV footage on BBC to show they have been acting in a malfeasant way against the public's interest.

In brief it has been Claimed, that 70% of Conservative constituencies and 60% of Labour constituencies voted to Leave in the EU referendum.

"That means 7 out of 10 Conservative MPs... represent constituencies that voted to leave, as did mine. 6 out of 10 Labour party represent Leave constituencies." Claire Perry MP, 12 July 2018.

Politicians were given clear instructions by the people and they should be carrying out those instructions to the letter.

There is a legal question that has to be addressed by the BODY that monitors the probity and Code of Conduct of the House of Commons and the Parliamentarians that have been voted into office.

The QUESTION to be considered by the National Crime Agency and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards BODY:
Have MPs committed any crimes if Remain MPs who represent constituencies that voted to LEAVE the EU, chose to ignore the "will of the people" by voting to obstruct Brexit and force the UK to remain in the EU? 

Further to the above question;

  1. When a constituent places their votes into the polling box, they are   also giving instructions to MPs as they vote them into office based on their MP's respective Party manifestos, which were used in he 2017 General Election?
  2. If the politician makes promises in their manifesto and solicit votes from the populace with no intention of honouring the promises made in their manifesto, they must be committing a number of different crimes, not to mention one being fraud.
  3. Then once in office, when voting on issues relating to both promises made in the manifesto and in the process undermine a LAW that was put in place to ensure the UK left the EU by 29th March 2019, surely this is malfeasance in office.
Now I hear you asking what is the definition of malfeasance?

Dictionary Definition of "malfeasance".....
The performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used especially of an act in violation of a public trust).

Now if Politicians go about lying to the public by fraudulently seeking office knowing that the promises in the manifesto will never be honoured and then taking up office and knowingly set about undermining the key promise to honour the decision of Brexit to leave the EU, something that was actually put into Law..... are NOT serious enough crimes for the NCA or this OBVIOUSLY useless ineffectual BODY that is supposed to oversee the Code of Conduct of Members of Parliament withing the House of Commons TO INVESTIGATE.

Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

The Commissioner oversees the maintenance and monitors the operation of the Register of Members' Interests. The Commissioner receives and investigates complaints about Members who are allegedly in breach of the Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules and reports the findings to the Committee.

Contact details for the Commissioner's office
Address: Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
General Enquiries: 020 7219 3738
Email: standardscommissioner@parliament.uk
Website: www.parliament.uk/pcs

For the record, Brexiteers desired one thing and one thing only. Sovereignty. Complete sovereignty.

This means removing Brussels current legislative power over the UK. The European Parliament, headquartered in Brussels, implements laws and regulations that all nations of the European Union must follow. The fact that foreign politicians have a say on British law is what makes Brexiteers so passionate. 

When Brexiteers voted, they desired full independence from European laws and regulations, they want wanted to protect the UK sovereignty that was being signed away by traitors of this country.

Remember the primary reasons for leaving the EU were as follows;
"Leave MEANS Leave"  Defined as; leaving both the customs union and the single market, taking back control of our Laws, Borders, Money and Trade. 

This is what being a SOVEREIGN country is all about, having control of our destiny.

The Brexit referendum of 2016, promised the British people just that.

Now certain politicians feel that they can override the WILL of the people and obstruct BREXIT.

Here is a complete list of which politicians have behaved poorly, by obstructing BREXIT acting against the people and voting in ways to prevent BREXIT from happening, all of which smells of malfeasance.



(Easter Holidays UPDATE)


Download these PDF files, search the tables for your MPs name and take a look at their voting record and see whether they have been undermining your instructions mandated to them via your vote at the 2017 election.



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Sunday, 7 April 2019


Based on what was originally Authored by Tom Luongo via The Strategic Culture Foundation, the unfolding of the Brexit process has been a fascinating thing to watch.

Despite all of the twists and turns, the incomprehensible motions, legal manoeuvres and behaviour of Prime Minister Theresa “I Surrender” May, for me there’s been a simple through-line to it all.

The EU does not want Brexit and if it were to happen, the EU would again be spiteful and inflict incredible damage to the British political system and its integrity - like it has done before.

Finally at this very late stage, many of the intelligent rational thinking Remain voters are beginning to realise that the EU is a disgusting, corrupt, arrogant dictatorial criminal enterprise run by an unelected cabal.

This is really no different than what happened in Greece in 2015. And it was directed by Angela Merkel than and it is being directed by Merkel today.

The EU’s intransigence in negotiations, aside from it having no other option, is an elaborate bluff to separate and divide the British political class, now that the people have voted to leave.

It preyed on the divisions within the U.K.’s structure, empowering Scottish ‘nationalists,’ the SNP, while offering power to the eternal victim-status seeking Labour leadership. It knew it had a Tory leadership willing to play ball with them to find a way to deliver BRINO – Brexit in Name Only – and a civil service that would provide all the supporting data to gaslight millions.

The hysteria over a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit is akin to the hysteria we’re seeing among the hard-left over Climate Change. So, I found it fitting watching a bunch of bare-assed, self-absorbed British watermelons – green on the outside, red on the inside – disrupting Parliament this week.

Both are built on foundations of sand. And both are expressions of the fear that their narratives and political power have peaked and are now on the down side. And when people begin to feel the loss of power and the fear kicks in, they become more desperate and more willing to cheat to win.

Make no mistake, the EU is cheating here. Billions in free advertising for their union is at their beck and call and put into the mouths of MPs, Cabinet Ministers and the media to peddle the worst and most disingenuous arguments against Brexit.

And that pressure is causing real cracks in the British political system.
While Labour, the SNP and the new Independent Group try to paint Brexit as some “Tory psychodrama” for political gains to blame shift their own betrayal of voters the Tories themselves are now fracturing under the pressure somewhat.

From Nick Boles resigning from the party after his ‘Common Market 2.0’ proposal failed to Richard Drax’s mea culpa for mistakenly voting for the May/Merkel Surrender Treaty on March 29th we’re seeing the effects this is having on everyone.

Some of it is Kabuki theatre to be sure. Boles’ resignation was an obvious stunt meant to shame MPs. Even Drax’s regrets had an air of worry over the voter backlash for betraying the Leave vote.
And look at the results. Arch-Remainer and former Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, who spent months working with EU officials to strategize openly on how to betray Brexit now faces de-selection from his constituents.

That’s what it takes to get rid of these people. The so-called Independent Group resigned from their parties and refused to call by-elections to confirm their seats. This is completely against all political protocol and an insult to their constituents. But what would you expect from an arrogant, self-important ignoramus like Anna Soubry?

The reason the EU’s plan to scuttle Brexit is failing is precisely because of what I saw months ago – the British people want their will, no matter how flawed, respected. And the political class is too consumed with its own self-righteousness that it cannot see this.

The entire process has made a mockery of the democratic institutions that exist across the West.
And that was precisely the effect the EU wanted out of all of this. Because even if they lose the latest Battle of Britain, they win in creating the philosophical case as to why direct representation is a stupid form of government.

The EU is a dream arrangement for globalists. It is an unelected leadership mostly immune from the changes in demographics and voter opinions pushing humanity, a base and unruly lot in their mind, towards their chosen outcomes.

By exposing the divisions and corruption of the world’s oldest parliament the EU is furthering the argument for its inevitability in the minds of the younger generation in Britain, setting older, more experienced Leavers against younger, less worldly Remainers.

But it’s not working as well as they expected. The fear campaign has radicalized the hard-core Remain camp. They were always going to be who they are. What it hasn’t done is soften the middle of the electorate. In fact, if anything, they’ve hardened in their stance that they don’t want to be ruled by either Westminster or Brussels.

Now this is music to my libertarian ears, of course, because it highlights what happens when the costs of the political and economic status quo rise above the benefits of it – anger and rebellion.
We’re seeing it in France. We’ve yet to truly see it in Italy. And we’re only beginning to see it in Britain.

The politicians are trying to do the impossible with an angry electorate – betray their wishes and blame the other guy.

Theresa May, in the words of one of Tom Luongo's followers, “is acting like a used-car salesman wearing down a mark.”

But her act has worn thin and so has the bullying act in Brussels. And the same can be said for the multiple levels of betrayal of Jeremy Corbyn and Labour.

As we approach April 12th, May will try her blackmail scheme one more time to satisfy her puppet-masters, this time trying to bring Corbyn into her vortex of failure, while deeper divisions are revealed within the House of Commons and more MPs resign, threaten and whine about the looming catastrophe of ‘extremists.’

The United Kingdom may not survive Brexit in its current form. But many who are pushing for disunion, the Scots, may find themselves surprised when they themselves have to face their voters.

And that would leave the EU wondering what went wrong, as they got everything they wanted – a broken, divided U.K. – and still lost the war.


The entire Brexit process has been a gargantuan “Cluster-FCUK” from the very beginning, MAY has been one of the worst managers and Prime Ministers ever witnessed on God’s Earth. She has acted irresponsibly by not working with her Cabinet or Brexit teams. She has not worked with the Brexit teams, seemingly believing she knows best and appears to be hell bent on proving that a woman can do a better job than any man.

Sadly for the United Kingdom, MAY has divided and destroyed the fabric of British society, she has created a huge divide in a multitude of ways as mentioned above.  

If MAY thinks her approach of damage limitation and not taking Britain out of the EU will heal our divided nation she is simply making the divide even bigger and harder. Her two years of lies have not only harmed the Conservative Party in a way her small mind simply cannot comprehend; She is creating a bigger divide and stirring anti EU feelings to the point where EU citizens could start to feel unwanted whereas they were once accepted as no one had a problem with them when this all started.

It is clear that MAY is playing with fire and damaging what was once considered a great nation in ways she is totally ignorant to. It does not help that her Party, (the Conservative / Tory Party) in supporting her time and time again when it very was clear she was failing to deliver the No Deal Brexit that is now the most popular way of existing the EU by a country mile. Her gross incompetence is reflecting on them and they are seen as part of the problem she has created and will be punished for in the next general election.

No matter what MAY thinks she is capable of doing to make this right, you can bet your last dollar, she has proven to be totally incapable of doing anything sensible or remotely practical, so it looks like the United Kingdom’s embarrassment on the world stage is sealed unless a miracle happens.

It was pointed out by a reader that it remains a reserved power of the Queen to dissolve Parliament and force new elections. Usually this power is wielded on her behalf by the PM, (who we all know is grossly incompetent), but strictly speaking, she can do this on her own authority (since it is hers, alone, not Parliament's perogative).

This might be a very good time for Queen Elizabeth II to drop that hammer. MPs would be forced to face their own constituencies -- probably not a pleasant experience for those who lied to voters and then defected from their respective party manifestos.

For MORE information on whether the Queen should wade in, please see the piece by Lord James: Remaining in the EU will constitute perjury by the Queen https://t.co/s0PRmzDWsq

So, where is the Queen when she is needed?

According to Lord James of Blackheath CBE, the way forward from this is to:-

1. Make an immediate appeal to the United Nations making reference to a potential breach of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaty Making 1969 under Article 46.1, with a view to seeking an adjudication that the EU is attempting to force us to agree a treaty based upon fundamentally unconstitutional arrangements unacceptable to the British Crown.  I repeat my earlier contention that the Attorney General previously discouraged this initiative because he had addressed the wrong clause in the Treaty.  The correct clause states that no trading agreement may be entered into which significantly compromises the constitutional integrity of the responding nation, which is surely an accurate description of the European Commission's exit position.

2. If the application could be supported by Her Majesty, it would add significant force. This application to the UN could surely be assembled by a Government legal team within a single working day and be ready to be presented by the UK’s Ambassador to the UN on behalf of Her Majesty within 48 hours.  Media coverage would immediately raise the entire public perception of the Brexit issue; put into perspective political loyalties; and engender, hopefully, a public patriotic response.

3. In the meantime, we must begin to educate the public and electorate as to the relative risks of both a Remain strategy and the reasons why a No Deal exit may be the only means to preserve our national independence and our continuity of our proud sovereign status.  We must also show how this sovereign status will only be placed in ever greater risk unless we are set free and clear from the European Commission’s qualified majority strategy due to commence in 2020.  If the UN do not uphold our complaint, then only the Leave without a Deal solution will achieve this.

4 The dire constitutional consequences of remaining will very likely force an abdication by the Monarch. She would either have to accept a state of perjury or maintain the Crown's honour by abdication. Her oaths of office will have become entirely corrupted such that no successor could undertake them, thus the total demise of the Crown is a very real and inherent risk in remaining.

Failure to terminate the membership of the European Union will continue to lead us all deeper into a treasonous liability arising from placing our governance subject to a foreign Potentate. That Potentate is unelected by the UK's electorate, is unaccountable to them and irremovable by them.

This is an absolute affront to the Dignity and Majesty of the Crown. It could foreshadow the total demise of the Monarchy.

When Brexit is finally done, Parliament must be shown to have discharged its absolute responsibility not to have reduced its own omnipotence.

In summary, the British public must be brought to an understanding that Brexit is a vital precondition for the maintenance of our sovereignty and independence and that our political forces are acting responsibly and with great integrity on behalf of the whole community.  In passing, it will do no harm to remind all levels of Parliament in this process.

Lord James of Blackheath CBE

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(Easter Holidays UPDATE)



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Notwithstanding the fact that it was the Conservative Party that signed away the keys to Britain's  sovereignty when John Major signed ...