Saturday, 23 March 2019


Democracy is being killed off.

As everyone in the UK that has a TV, or Smart Phone or reads the lamestream media will have heard, over 60% of the Politicians sitting in Westminster have acted in a most heinous and egregious way towards the implementation of Brexit.

Of course that is depending on which side of the Brexit divide you are sitting on.  If you are a Brexiteer it most certainly feels like that is a true reflection of what is happening, whereas if you are a Remainer, you are probably jumping up for joy and are as gleeful as a multi-million Euro Lottery winner.

Before we go on, let us consider the definition of democracy from Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.......

1a : government by the people especially : rule of the majority 

1b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Sadly, in the real world where democracy is supposed to be a fair and balanced mechanism that is designed to serve the people by way of voting and elections whereby the majority wins the day, we appear to have a broken system here in the United Kingdom. 

Contemplate the following Democratic scenario

Imagine that there was a Referendum asking whether to make the National Health Service (NHS) chargeable at the point of delivery. If the referendum vote was (YES) 48% saying yes make it chargeable and (NO) 52% saying that it should continue to be free at the point of service.

Would the public accept the result.?  I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!

But supposing that those greedy Politicians knew something we the public did not and were hell bent on defying the will of the people because the NO result did not suit their narrative or agenda. Suppose that they decided to hijack the result and as our appointed members of Parliament acting on behalf of the people, they decided to pass all sorts of laws and implement political strategies that would over turn the democratic referendum result and ignore the will of the people.

Because they are in the seats of power, they actually believe they have the mandate of the people to make whatever they deem fit happen and in this case they, went ahead an implemented a chargeable at the point of deliver service at the NHS.

Would the public accept their result.?  I venture to guess -- Hell NO.... absolutely Not!

But since everyone voted them into power, based on the revelations of what has happened in Parliament over the last three years, the public can get stuffed as far as the Politicians are concerned as they rarely deliver on manifesto promises anyway, so why should this be different.

Would you agree that if this scenario happened, you would want to explode with rage and demand that your MP stepped up and honoured the will of the people.  I know I would.

So in this unlikely event, would you agree that democracy has not worked and the will of the people in a legitimate and free election / referendum have been usurped?

I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!

Here is why British Democracy is Broken in REALITY!

The esteemed members of the British Parliament that were voted into office at the June 2017 Elections in the UK based on their Party Manifesto's, which promised to honour the result of the June 2016 Brexit Referendum..... This is something they have patently failed to do.  Following the second day of debates over Theresa May’s Brexit bill in the House of Commons, 498 MPs voted to give the government authority to invoke Article 50, while 114 voted against.

Since Brexit was and still remains to be all about keeping hold of our Sovereignty, taking control of our laws, our money, our borders and trade; based on the above election voting record - that would suggest that there are 114 traitors in Parliament who would prefer to surrender this country to an un-elected cabal in the European Union without firing a shot.

Most recently, the shady shenanigans in Parliament have been worse than ....HIGH TREASON..... our democracy has become the laughing stock all over the world.

Our Prime Minister has failed to manage the Brexit negotiations in a collegiate way, which ultimately undermined the entire process. Not only did the PM not engage with her Cabinet colleagues for the June 2017 elections, she ignored all their advice and offers of assistance, which has sewn discourse amongst the ranks and opened the Tory Party up to both ridicule and shame.

The litany of poor management techniques and poor judgement demonstrated by the PM allowed the EU to better her at the negotiating table and take advantage of the British media spin that has been raging.  The PM lost all control of her Party and Brexit, which was reflected in countless resignations and a split in the Conservative Party.

All that being said, what has resulted out of this shambles is that not only have the MEDIA forgotten why the Brexit referendum was originally called for in the first place, they are so focused on beating the living crap out of the Conservative Party, they missed the fact that the EU was using them as the mirror sitting behind our poker player (negotiator), which allowed the EU to know about every card we had in our deck before the hands were played.

Let us remind ourselves why Brexit was even called....

You may have to download and print that table..... it is worth reading to remind us WHY.

Can we save our democracy?

The short answer is yes...... forget about Brexit, forget about whether you are a Brexiteer or a Remainer.... just try and be objective about whether you want to SAVE our Democracy or not.

If the answer is yes, they the only thing we have to do at the next election is vote for people who have NOT lost their moral compass or even vote for NEW BLOOD in the house.  Anything is better than someone who has trampled all over the WILL of the PEOPLE because of their own self interest or has ignored the will of the people.


We need a new, modernised form of Politics that honour the integrity and morality of democracy, a politics that treats the will of the people as sacrosanct.

Bring on the Revolution!  
Bring on the next Election!  
Bring on the Criminal charges! 
Bring on the Jail sentences!

Our Democracy is NOT worth throwing away, so stop being petty minded about how you feel about Brexit, focus on the integrity of Democracy and what has gone wrong with our Democracy and who is destroying the fabric of our society and our democracy. 

The United Kingdom is a marvellous country, we are a great country filled with inspirational, tenacious, entrepreneurial and intelligent people who will make sure this country remains a great country with or without the EU and irrespective of how we feel about Brexit.











(Easter Holidays UPDATE)

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

The Mainstream Media Purposely Ignores Mass Killings Of Christians Across The Globe

Last week, when a deranged white christian male lunatic gunned down dozens of Muslims at two mosques in New Zealand it suddenly became the biggest news story in the world, and quite rightly so.

Any form of killing should be found to be abhorrent by every decent human being.

Now, you probably agree with this statement, ALL KILLING is abhorrent and evil.  We certainly witnessed people like the London Mayor and every other mainstream media rant on about the white supremacist and his evil doing..... and so they should have.

Then why is it that we DO NOT see the same amount of GUSTO from the same people and organisations when it is Christians that are murdered?

If you want to know the answer to this question so that you can write a letter to the London Mayor, read the following story originally Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

As presented by ZeroHedge, it was a major news event, and it needed to be reported.  But shouldn’t mass killings of Christians be given the same sort of media coverage?  Sadly, we all know that doesn’t happen.

Whenever there is a mass killing of Christians, it is usually entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why this is happening.  Those that control the mainstream media consider Christians to be one of the main obstacles to “progress” in western countries, and so any story that would put Christians in a positive or sympathetic light simply does not fit any of the narratives that they are pushing.

As a result of the lack of media coverage, the vast majority of Americans do not know that “4,136 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons” last year.

That number breaks down to an average of 11 per day.

In Nigeria, more than 120 Christians have been gunned down or killed with machetes over the past three weeks, but Breitbart was the only big media outlet to report on it…
As Breitbart News alone reported among major news outlets, Fulani jihadists racked up a death toll of over 120 Christians over the past three weeks in central Nigeria, employing machetes and gunfire to slaughter men, women, and children, burning down over 140 houses, destroying property, and spreading terror.
The New York Times did not place this story on the front page; in fact, they did not cover it at all. Apparently, when assessing “all the news that’s fit to print,” the massacre of African Christians did not measure up. The same can be said for the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Detroit Free Press, the LA Times, and every other major paper in the United States.
And of course Breitbart is not exactly “mainstream” media.

So why won’t anyone else report on this?

And this isn’t the first time this has happened.  Last June, twelve entire Christian villages in central Nigeria were completely wiped out
In only days, a dozen villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state were wiped out. The affected communities surround the city of Jos—known as the epicenter of Christianity in northern Nigeria’s Middle Belt.

As many as 200 Christians had been killed, however, some residents fear the death toll may be even higher, as more bodies are yet to be recovered, while others were burned beyond recognition. On Sunday, 75 of the victims were buried in a mass grave.
I’ll bet that most of you had not heard about that until now.

On the other side of the world, 20 innocent people were slaughtered when Muslim radicals bombed a Roman Catholic cathedral in January
On January 27, Muslim extremists bombed a Roman Catholic cathedral on the Philippine island of Jolo, killing some 20 people and injuring dozens of others.
Once again, this is yet another mass killing that was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media.

Is the anti-Christian bias among the mainstream media so strong that they can’t even bring themselves to report the basic facts to us?

People deserve to know what is happening.  Christian persecution is rising in almost every nation on the planet, and this huge ongoing crisis should be on our front pages on a continual basis.

But instead, we never get to hear any of these stories unless we seek out alternative sources of information.
Over in China, the persecution of Christians has reached a frightening crescendo.  Recently, officials have been going house to house and replacing pictures of Jesus Christ “with pictures of dictator Mao Zedong and/or China’s current authoritarian president, Xi Jinping”
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to harass and persecute Christians and, in recent months, has taken to removing pictures of Jesus Christ from inside homes and replacing them with pictures of dictator Mao Zedong and/or China’s current authoritarian president, Xi Jinping.
In addition, Communist officials have removed Christian symbols and phrases on the outside of homes and replaced them with phrases praising socialist materialism.
But they aren’t stopping there.  Bibles are being burned, and any churches that do not “cooperate” with Chinese officials are being either shut down or destroyed.  Earlier in 2019, one of the largest megachurches in the entire country was literally blown to pieces with dynamite
Chinese authorities blew up a well-known Christian megachurch earlier this year, inflaming long-standing tensions between religious groups and the Communist Party.
Witnesses and overseas activists said the paramilitary People’s Armed Police used dynamite and excavators to destroy the Golden Lampstand Church, which has a congregation of more than 50,000, in the city of Linfen in Shanxi province
We are talking about evil that is on a level that is difficult to comprehend.

So why won’t the mainstream media talk about any of this?

Similar things are happening on the other side of the world too.  In Eritrea, Christians are being imprisoned in “small shipping containers in scorching heat”
Since 1993, President Afwerki has overseen an authoritarian brutal regime that rests on massive human rights violations. During the 2019 World Watch List reporting period, government security forces conducted many house-to-house raids and imprisoned hundreds of Christians in inhumane conditions, including small shipping containers in scorching heat.
And in North Korea, Christians are “being hung on a cross over a fire, crushed under a steamroller, herded off bridges, and trampled underfoot”
According to charity Aid to the Church in Need, at least 200,000 Christians have gone missing in North Korea since 1953 — many of those have been summarily executed. As to the specific treatment of those persecuted, the 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry report discovered that the North Korean regime has been guilty of “crimes against humanity.”
According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide, violent incidents against Christians include “being hung on a cross over a fire, crushed under a steamroller, herded off bridges, and trampled underfoot.”
If you were to replace “Christians” with some other favored group in any of the examples that I have just shared, you would instantly have front page news all over the planet.

The mainstream media is definitely not “independent”, and they are not looking out for you.

They have their own agenda, and anything that does not fit that agenda does not get to be part of “the news”.
So far in 2019, there have been 453 Islamic terror attacks in which 1,956 people have been murdered.  But you will never hear those numbers from the mainstream media.
Instead, when the mainstream media talks about Bible-believing Christians it is almost always an attack story.  As a recent Breitbart article aptly observed, having “an anti-Christian bias” has become “the last acceptable prejudice”…
How much mileage can be gained from Muslims murdering Christians, when Christians in America are often seen as an obstacle to the “progress” desired by liberals? The left sees Christians in the United States as part of the problem and seeks to undermine their credibility and influence at every turn rather than emboldening them.
Anti-Christian bias has been rightly called “the last acceptable prejudice,” one that few bother condemning.
It is time to turn off the mainstream news for good.

They quit reporting “the news” a long time ago, and now it is all about promoting one left-wing narrative after another.

Today, trust in the media is at an all-time low, and it is easy to understand why so many Americans are absolutely sick and tired of being lied to by the big media companies.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

The sickening 40 "Hidden Horrors" of Theresa May's Brexit Deal

Dear Voters of the United Kingdom,

If any sane, un-lubricated or un-drugged up UK adult reads the Zerohedge article, (laid out below;) .....Cannot see the PERILOUS DANGER that the "Treasonous May Deal" hides within it, I and seventeen+ million people say.... let there be chaos, the Tories have brought this to the country's door.   

Great Britain has been embarrassed on the global stage because of the poorly way this exercise has been carried out, including the atrocious behaviour of almost all MPs of ALL Parties, especially those who have tried to undermine Brexit..... only to deliver what can only be described as an insidious Treasonous Deal.

The general concenus of the majority of the UK public is that we need an election to clean up the mess made by what will be known as the worst Prime Minister and House of Parliament this country has ever known.

To give in to blackmail at the 11th hour and 59th minute because of a single woman's intransigence and inability to work with others and whose very poor management and treatment towards her political colleagues is not a reason to surrender our sovereignty to a bunch of jackbooted, unelected European upstarts who have not only treated this country very poorly, they have openly disrespected our Prime Minister, our Parliament and every red blooded patriot of this wonderful country.

Also, to any intelligent person, it is clear that more than half of the Politicians in Westminster have stopped representing the people...... and as the voting record will show, the're looking only after themselves and their jobs.
See Cambridge Dictionary Definition of Traitor Here:  having read that definition, surely to the common people, someone who betrays their country, is a traitor if they are happy to give up the sovereignty of one's country.

Why you ask:  

Because they took NO DEAL off the table as a barganing chip for negotiations. 

To Use a Western Cowboy Metaphor: 
Who goes into a gunfight without a gun....... only a complete idiot?

The feeling of a very large proportion of the populace is that it is time to call an election.  For some it is because they hate the Tory Party, for others, it is so that the people can restore democracy by "draining the swamp" and for Brexiteers it is so that they can put patriotic, can-do people into those Westminster seats..... 

Parliament needs people who would rather DIE than surrender this country and pay the EU in the process.

The Tory MPs will regret and should be ashamed of themselves for capitulating to that HALFWAY HOUSE COMPROMISE DEAL, as this will surely finish the Conservative party.

After a chaotic week that saw seven of Theresa May's senior cabinet ministers resign (including her second Brexit commissioner in six months), London business leaders poured salt in the prime minister's wounds late Friday by leaking the text of a letter they will reportedly be sending to MPs next week urging them to reject May's 'best of all possible deals' and instead advocate for a "no deal" Brexit where the UK and EU fall back on WTO rules, according to the Telegraph. 

After more than a year of increasingly fraught negotiations, May has pulled off an incredible feat - she and her cabinet have produced a deal that is hated by both Brexiteers and remainers alike.

Telling people that if they do NOT back this TREASONOUS DEAL there will be NO BREXIT...... this is sheer blackmail and nothing else. 

How can people be so gullible.  Look at the extent of the traitorous behaviour in the British Parliament and the lack of comprehension many Politicians have demonstrated in NOT understanding the hidden perils sprinkled throughout this Treasonous Deal.

The language surrounding the backstop isn't the only component of the deal that's deeply suspect. Below is a list of the top 40 draft deal "horrors" (courtesy of the Spectator):
  1. May says her deal means the UK leaves the EU next March. The Withdrawal Agreement makes a mockery of this. “All references to Member States and competent authorities of Member States…shall be read as including the United Kingdom.” (Art 6).
  2. Not quite what most people understand by Brexit. It goes on to spell out that the UK will be in the EU but without any MEPs, a commissioner or ECJ judges. We are effectively a Member State, but we are excused – or, more accurately, excluded – from attending summits. (Article 7)
  3. The European Court of Justice is decreed to be our highest court, governing the entire Agreement – Art. 4. stipulates that both citizens and resident companies can use it. Art 4.2 orders our courts to recognise this. “If the European Commission considers that the United Kingdom has failed to fulfil an obligation under the Treaties or under Part Four of this Agreement before the end of the transition period, the European Commission may, within 4 years after the end of the transition period, bring the matter before the Court of Justice of the European Union”. (Art. 87)
  4. The jurisdiction of the ECJ will last until eight years after the end of the transition period. (Article 158).
  5. The UK will still be bound by any future changes to EU law in which it will have no say, not to mention having to comply with current law. (Article 6(2))
  6. Any disputes under the Agreement will be decided by EU law only – one of the most dangerous provisions. (Article 168).
  7. This cuts the UK off from International Law, something we’d never do with any foreign body. Arbitration will be governed by the existing procedural rules of the EU law – this is not arbitration as we would commonly understand it (i.e. between two independent parties). (Article 174)
  8. “UNDERLINING that this Agreement is founded on an overall balance of benefits, rights and obligations for the Union and the United Kingdom” No, it should be based upon the binding legal obligations upon the EU contained within Article 50. It is wrong to suggest otherwise.
  9. The tampon tax clause: We obey EU laws on VAT, with no chance of losing the tampon tax even if we agree a better deal in December 2020 because we hereby agree to obey other EU VAT rules for **five years** after the transition period. Current EU rules prohibit 0-rated VAT on products (like tampons) that did not have such exemptions before the country joined the EU.
  10. Several problems with the EU’s definitions: “Union law” is too widely defined and “United Kingdom national” is defined by the Lisbon Treaty: we should given away our right to define our citizens. The “goods” and the term “services” we are promised the deal are not defined – or, rather, will be defined however the EU wishes them to be. Thus far, this a non-defined term so far. This agreement fails to define it.
  11. The Mandelson Pension Clause: The UK must promise never to tax former EU officials based here – such as Peter Mandelson or Neil Kinnock – on their E.U. pensions, or tax any current Brussels bureaucrats on their salaries. The EU and its employees are to be immune to our tax laws. (Article 104)
  12. Furthermore, the UK agrees not to prosecute EU employees who are, or who might be deemed in future, criminals (Art.101)
  13. The GDPR clause. The General Data Protection Regulation – the EU’s stupidest law ever? – is to be bound into UK law (Articles 71 to 73). There had been an expectation in some quarters that the UK could get out of it.
  14. The UK establishes a ‘Joint Committee’ with EU representatives to guarantee ‘the implementation and application of this Agreement’. This does not sound like a withdrawal agreement – if it was, why would it need to be subject to continued monitoring? (Article 164).
  15. This Joint Committee will have subcommittees with jurisdiction over: (a) citizens’ rights; (b) “other separation provisions”; (c) Ireland/Northern Ireland; (d) Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus; (e) Gibraltar; and (f) financial provisions. (Article 165)
  16. The Lifetime clause: the agreement will last as long as the country’s youngest baby lives. “the persons covered by this Part shall enjoy the rights provided for in the relevant Titles of this Part for their lifetime”. (Article 39).
  17. The UK is shut out of all EU networks and databases for security – yet no such provision exists to shut the EU out of ours. (Article 8)
  18. The UK will tied to EU foreign policy, “bound by the obligations stemming from the international agreements concluded by the Union” but unable to influence such decisions. (Article 124)
  19. All EU citizens must be given permanent right of residence after five years – but what counts as residence? This will be decided by the EU, rather than UK rules. (Articles 15-16)
  20. Britain is granted the power to send a civil servant to Brussels to watch them pass stupid laws which will hurt our economy. (Article 34)
  21. The UK agrees to spend taxpayers’ money telling everyone how wonderful the agreement is. (Article 37)
  22. Art 40 defines Goods. It seems to includes Services and Agriculture. We may come to discover that actually ‘goods’ means everything.
  23. Articles 40-49 practically mandate the UK’s ongoing membership of the Customs Union in all but name.
  24. The UK will be charged to receive the data/information we need in order to comply with EU law. (Article 50). The EU will continue to set rules for UK intellectual property law (Article 54 to 61). The UK will effectively be bound by a non-disclosure agreement swearing us to secrecy regarding any EU developments we have paid to be part. This is not mutual. The EU is not bound by such measures. (Article 74)
  25. The UK is bound by EU rules on procurement rules – which effectively forbids us from seeking better deals elsewhere. (Articles 75 to 78)
  26. We give up all rights to any data the EU made with our money (Art. 103)
  27. The EU decide capital projects (too broadly defined) the UK is liable for. (Art. 144)
  28. The UK is bound by EU state aid laws until future agreement – even in the event of an agreement, this must wait four years to be valid. (Article 93)
  29. Similar advantages and immunities are extended to all former MEPs and to former EU official more generally. (Articles 106-116)
  30. The UK is forbidden from revealing anything the EU told us or tells us about the finer points of deal and its operation. (Article 105).
  31. Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)
  32. The UK shall be liable for any “outstanding commitments” after 2022 (Article 142(2) expressly mentions pensions, which gives us an idea as to who probably negotiated this). The amount owed will be calculated by the EU. (Articles 140-142)
  33. The UK will be liable for future EU lending. As anyone familiar with the EU’s financials knows, this is not good. (Article143)
  34. The UK will remain liable for capital projects approved by the European Investment Bank. (Article 150).
  35. The UK will remain a ‘party’ (i.e. cough up money) for the European Development Fund. (Articles 152-154)
  36. And the EU continues to calculate how much money the UK should pay it. So thank goodness Brussels does not have any accountancy issues.
  37. The UK will remain bound (i.e coughing up money) to the European Union Emergency Trust Fund – which deals with irregular migration (i.e. refugees) and displaced persons heading to Europe. (Article 155)
  38. The agreement will be policed by ‘the Authority’ – a new UK-based body with ‘powers equivalent to those of the European Commission’. (Article 159)
  39. The EU admits, in Art. 184, that it is in breach of  Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which oblige it to “conclude an agreement” of the terms of UK leaving the EU. We must now, it seems, “negotiate expeditiously the agreements governing their future relationship.” And if the EU does not? We settle down to this Agreement.
  40. And, of course, the UK will agree to pay £40bn to receive all of these ‘privileges’. (Article 138)

And as Bloomberg illustrates in the graphic below, even a cursory look at a possible vote breakdown shows that the odds of May passing her deal as-is are not looking good (though the EU has reportedly signaled that it might be open to reworking some of the details surrounding the backstop to make it more palatable to members of the European Research Group, the contingent of rapidly pro-Brexit conservative MPs).
And with May facing a grueling schedule between now and Brexit day...
...And myriad opportunities to stumble into a 'no deal' scenario...
(Courtesy of BBC)'s somewhat surprising that Deutsche Bank analysts argued in a note to clients released on Friday that they still expect a 'soft Brexit' as their 'base case'. Specifically, they expect a modified version of the current deal passing at the last minute after Theresa May survives a leadership challenge, but fails to push the deal in its current form through Parliament. If the EU refuses to renegotiate, any modified deal would probably favor a softer Brexit.

On a side note:   If Maycan't rally support for that deal (presumably by winning over votes from Labour), her best option at that point would be to call for another ELECTION because if she asked for another referendum, the jig will be up.... democracy in the United Kingdom is DEAD as the dodo.

A day earlier, DB set the odds at 50% that May either calls for a second referendum or resigns.
As even the casual observer could probably intuit by now, should May resign (or be forced out via a 'no confidence' vote, a scenario that would be decidedly worse for markets) the odds of a 'hard Brexit' would climb significantly. According to DB, the top four of the five most likely successors to May are all in favor of a "no deal" Brexit that would involve the UK and EU falling back on WTO rules. But while this would greatly increase the odds of a 'hard Brexit', it wouldn't be fair to interpret this as a foregone conclusion. That's because pro-remain Torys could respond by forcing a new general election which would risk handing power to Labour. Or they could simply accept a "hard Brexit" and whatever short term economic turmoil that might bring.
With all of this in mind, May's remaining cabinet ministers are reportedly staying on to try and influence the deal from the inside, with Liam Fox, May's secretary for international trade, insisting that "a deal is better than no deal."

Though, as the Spectator explained in a piece published Saturday, the Brexiteers fear that the current deal could leave the UK bound to the EU customs union indefinitely, while surrounding any say in how the trade bloc sets its rules.
In summary: The supposed ‘transition period’ could last indefinitely or, more specifically, to an undefined date sometime this century (“up to 31 December 20XX”, Art. 132). So while this Agreement covers what the government is calling Brexit, what we in fact get is: ‘transition’ + extension indefinitely (by however many years we are willing to pay for) + all of those extra years from the ‘plus 8 years’ articles.

Should it end within two years, as May hopes, the UK will still be signed up to clauses keeping us under certain rules (like VAT and ECJ supervision) for a further eight years. Some clauses have, quite literally, a “lifetime” duration (Art.39). If the UK defaults on transition, we go in to the backstop with the Customs Union and, realistically, the single market. We can only leave the transition positively with a deal. But we sign away the money. So the EU has no need to give us a deal, and certainly no incentive to make the one they offered ‘better’ than the backstop. The European Court of Justice remains sovereign, as repeatedly stipulated. Perhaps most damagingly of all, we agree to sign away the rights we would have, under international law, to unilaterally walk away. Again, what follows relates (in most part) for the “transition” period. But the language is consistent with the E.U. imagining that this will be the final deal.

The 560+ page draft deal document, while the controversial backstop provision has taken most of the criticism, many of the deal's finer points remain deeply suspect.

We need to speak out before they destroy what is left of this great country.


is being shouted by over 17 million British patriots.



Monday, 25 February 2019

You CANNOT TRUST the Mainstream Media - Here is Why.

What was I just saying in the last few articles...... Buyer Beware ..... when you read anything in the Mainstream Media, which is a corrupt industry that should be more aptly renamed LAMESTREAM MEDIA.

Here is another example of the collusion between the media, celebrities and the New World Order (NWO), which is why you must look to read real news from NON mainstream media as well to get a full 360 degrees of the picture and not the narrative of the NWO! 

WaPo Quietly Deletes Branson's Venezuela Concert From Article After 'Fake' Attendance Figures Exposed 

As explained by Tyler Durden in the below article featured on Zero HedgeThe Washington Post has stealth-edited all mention of Richard Branson's Venezuela aid concert in Cucuta, Colombia, after the paper originally claimed that the event "drew a crowd of more than 200,000 people Friday."

Branson hoped to attract 250,000 people to the concert and raise $100 million to "buy food and medicine for Venezuelans suffering widespread shortages."

The original version of the article, written by WaPo's South American bureau chief Anthony Faiola and two other journalists, can still be seen at the Mercury Newswhich aggregated it before the changes were made (including a headline change).
The attention on Saturday remained immediately focused on the single largest staging ground for aid in Cucuta, Colombia — where a massive benefit concert hosted by British billionaire Richard Branson drew a crowd of more than 200,000 people Friday. -WaPo via the Mercury News
It can also be seen in a current Google search for the article:

second version of the article mentions Branson, but eliminates the 200,000 figure: "A convoy of 14 trucks bearing 280 tons of aid was being prepped near a warehouse loading dock here in Cucutá, where thousands of volunteers had camped overnight following a massive benefit concert for Venezuela put on by British billionaire Richard Branson."

And the most recent version of the article has no mention of Branson or his concert

Why the change of heart?

A Saturday analysis by Moon of Alabama revealed that WaPo's 200,000 figure was Fake News. 
"200,000 people?" asks MOA.

MOA notes that RT correspondent "Dan Cohen was in the VIP area in front of the stage"

Here's where the Post's 200,000 claim is destroyed. MOA used Google Maps to check the size of the concert area and performs a bit of math:

The stage was build at the top right across both roadways with its front towards the southwest. There was room for a few hundred VIP and reporters right in front of it. The field where the plebs were kept away lies between the north to south treeline at the right and the north to south ditch with the two single trees. According to the Google map scale the field's northern edge is some 125 meters wide. The crowd was standing at the northern end of the field at a depth of about 50 meters. The density of the static crowd was low to medium with on average 2 to 3 people per square meter.
125m * 50m = 6,250 m2 * 2.5 people/m2 = 15,625 people
One may generously add a count of one or two thousand for the people mingling around in the back of the public area. In total there may have been up to 18,000, but certainly no more than 20,000 people at the concert. -Moon of Alabama
In short, Fake News

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Notwithstanding the fact that it was the Conservative Party that signed away the keys to Britain's  sovereignty when John Major signed ...