Friday, 29 March 2019



This is a very good question, which is being raised by millions of patriotic British people who have witnessed the calamity in their revered House of Parliament this last month of March 2019. Understandably, some people's blood pressure has run high because of the emotive issues surrounding Brexit, which has been egged on by the mostly corrupt and naive, liberal biased British Media.

See Heat MAP links at the end of this post.

Let us set Brexit aside, this article is about whether democracy as we used to know it and how it has been brazenly corrupted in broad daylight by self-serving Politicians.  The voting records on the Brexit issues are now a written record of the Political crimes committed by these Politicians.  In years to come after an inquiry has taken place, it will be said that if there was crime that penalised the taking a seat at the table in Parliament based on election manifesto promises and not fulfilling those promises or blatantly ignoring them once in the halls of powers then over 60% of the Politicians resident in the House of Parliament today would be incarcerated.

Now we know that most of the current crop of Politicians are not the brightest bulbs in the pack.  That said, we should also know that they are probably bright enough to not bring into law any legislation that would criminalise them for ignoring the will of the people. So seeing any of them doing prison time for what has just happened in the halls of Westminster is a pipe dream unless a new crop of Politicians with a moral compass that is founded on integrity and probity find their way into Parliament as part of a new political party.

We also need a strong, principled Prime Minister that believes in integrity at the polls and inside the House of Parliament, one who will honour the election promises made in their election manifesto.


Has the United Kingdoms Democracy been corrupted and abused as the masses are saying?
  1. Was the Brexit referendum a legal Referendum?  I believe it was and so does the UK judicial system, so the answer is YES.
  2. Was the result to leave the EU?  I believe it was and so do 17.4 million citizens.
  3. Did 17.4 million citizens know what they wanted, other than, leaving the European Union, which included leaving both the Customs Union and the Single Market, taking back control of our Laws, Borders, Money and Trade?  I believe the vast majority of these citizens did indeed know exactly what LEAVE meant, it is the Media that is confused and biased, who are twisting these words and saying "leavers did not know what they voted for". I say to the media "POPPY-COCK", as one of the 17.4 million patriotic, intelligent and industrious citizens of this country, we knew exactly what LEAVING the EU means. 
  4. Did the Politicians run for Parliament based on their 2017 political manifesto's that said they would honour the Brexit Referendum result?  I recall that the 2017 elections were mostly all about Brexit.
  5. Did the politicians act with integrity towards the Brexit result and do whatever was necessary to ensure the will of the people has been satisfied?  At least 60% of those in office presently absolutely DID NOT act faithfully to their manifesto mantra.
  6. Is there evidence of malfeasance towards the legal requirement and result of the Brexit Referendum?  Yes, millions of citizens believe there is and time will show just how poisoned the Westminster well has become. 
As I mentioned earlier, some of those jobs worth, career politicians in the current crop of the House are not the brightest bulbs in the pack..... so let us refer to a dictionary definition for the ruling;

Dictionary Definition of "malfeasance".....
The performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used especially of an act in violation of a public trust).

Well, if you are able to read and are reading this, what is your answer, did the politicians undermine democracy by ignoring the will of the people? Especially when they were voted into parliament on the back of a party manifesto that promised to honour and faithfully execute the will of the people and carry out the exit from the EU as asked by the Brexit Referendum.



Now, let us consider the following scenario, which has already been written about in an earlier blog, to decide whether democracy has been usurped or corrupted.  Remember this is not about Brexit, it is about the integrity of our democracy. 

Contemplate the following Democratic scenario regarding the NHS....

Imagine that there was a Referendum asking whether to make the National Health Service (NHS) chargeable at the point of delivery. If the referendum vote was (YES) 48% saying yes make it chargeable and (NO) 52% saying that it should continue to be free at the point of service.

Would the public accept the result.?  I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!

But supposing that those greedy Politicians knew something we the public did not and were hell bent on defying the will of the people because the NO result did not suit their narrative or agenda. Suppose that they decided to hijack the result and as our appointed members of Parliament acting on behalf of the people, they decided to pass all sorts of laws and implement political strategies that would over turn the democratic referendum result and ignore the will of the people.

Because they are in the seats of power, they actually believe they have the mandate of the people to make whatever they deem fit happen and in this case they, went ahead an implemented a chargeable at the point of deliver service at the NHS.

Would the public accept their result.?  I venture to guess -- Hell NO.... absolutely Not!

But since everyone voted them into power, based on the revelations of what has happened in Parliament over the last three years, the public can get stuffed as far as the Politicians are concerned as they rarely deliver on manifesto promises anyway, so why should this be different.

Would you agree that if this scenario happened, you would want to explode with rage and demand that your MP stepped up and honoured the will of the people.  I know I would.

So in this unlikely event, would you agree that democracy has not worked and the will of the people in a legitimate and free election / referendum have been usurped?

I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!

Here is why British Democracy is Broken in REALITY!

The esteemed members of the British Parliament that were voted into office at the June 2017 Elections in the UK based on their Party Manifesto's, which promised to honour the result of the June 2016 Brexit Referendum..... This is something they have patently failed to do.  Following the second day of debates over Theresa May’s Brexit bill in the House of Commons, 498 MPs voted to give the government authority to invoke Article 50, while 114 voted against.

Now, that we are in the throes of implementing Brexit, take a look at these HEAT MAPS that illustrate the voting results over the last month in the House of Parliament;  (Happy for you to share them, using either of the links supplied.)  Notice how many politicians have thrown the will of the people into the waste basket and voted in parliament based on their personal, (notably irrelevant) wishes.  The MAP shows how many have abused their positions of privilege and power for their own self gain.

(Download and share.  These will be updated weekly.) 


(Easter Holidays UPDATE)

Can we save our democracy?

The short answer is yes...... forget about Brexit, forget about whether you are a Brexiteer or a Remainer.... just try and be objective about whether you want to SAVE our Democracy or not.

If the answer is yes, they the only thing we have to do at the next election is vote for people who have NOT lost their moral compass or even vote for NEW BLOOD in the house.  Anything is better than someone who has trampled all over the WILL of the PEOPLE because of their own self interest or has ignored the will of the people.


We need a new, modernised form of Politics that honour the integrity and morality of democracy, a politics that treats the will of the people as sacrosanct.
Our Democracy is NOT worth throwing away, so stop being petty minded about how you feel about Brexit, focus on the integrity of Democracy and what has gone wrong with our Democracy and who is destroying the fabric of our society and our democracy. 

The United Kingdom is a marvellous country, we are a great country filled with industrious, inspirational, tenacious, entrepreneurial and intelligent people who will make sure this country remains a great country with or without the EU and irrespective of how we feel about Brexit






(Easter Holidays UPDATE)

Sunday, 24 March 2019


Dear Prime Minister and all MPs 
who corrupted democracy to undermine Brexit,

The only rationalisation the 17.4 million LEAVE Voters can come to is that many ill-informed people are either extremely DUMB or are TRAITORS trying to sell-out this great country of ours.....

Your collective behaviour has been shameful and heinous to the extreme towards the health and security of this country.  The UK Parliament is a disgrace and has proven to be shameful for this country.  You were voted into Parliament on the basis of a Party Manifesto, in which you stated that you would honour the decision of the Brexit Referendum.  Yet this last three years has seen democracy in this country corrupted by self-serving unpatriotic actors, who would rather hand over the keys to our great country than believe in our country that is filled with inspirational, tenacious, entrepreneurial and intelligent people who will make sure this country remains a great country with or without the EU and irrespective of how we individually feel about Brexit.

As our elected Parliamentary representatives in Westminster, the people of this GREAT COUNTRY fully expect you to honour the will of the people faithfully.  We the people want to make sure that you are aware of the sentiments of this patriotic UK constituency;

"Leave MEANS Leave". (Defined as; leaving both the customs union and the single market, taking back control of our Laws, Borders, Money and Trade.)

Why did we come to have a BREXIT in the first place..... can you even remember or are there so many political mistruths that have been sprouted by Politicians that most of you have forgotten in the fog of spin and political shenanigans, why? 

If I was to BOIL why we had a Brexit DOWN TO ONE ISSUE it would be about SOVEREIGNTY, yes, our remaining a sovereign country....... because if we maintain our sovereignty, we also have these under our control; leaving both the customs union and the single market, taking back control of our Laws, Borders, Money and Trade.

Now clearly some of the Politicians have been having issues understanding what the words "sovereignty and democracy" mean and how important it is to those of us that love this country and do not want to hand over our sovereignty to the Franco-German alliance (with the modern versions of Napoleon and Hitler), like some of those more feckless, frivolous people on the Remain side of the equation who are prepared to corrupt democracy to do.

Let us ALL get re-acquainted with the meaning of these two words!

Merriam-Webster Definition of sovereignty

a)        supreme power especially over a body politic
b)        freedom from external control : autonomy
c)        controlling influence
d)        one that is sovereign especially: an autonomous state

Before we go on, let us consider the definition of democracy from Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.......

Merriam-Webster Definition of democracy

a)       government by the people especially : rule of the majority
b)       a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.


So, tick-tock Prime Minister, which is it to be, LEAVE and honour the referendum decision and keep this a sovereign country or REMAIN in Europe, which would be tantamount to spewing vomit over the graves of all those souls that fought in the TWO GREAT WARS to afford us the freedoms we have today, as a result of their sacrifice? 

Over 60% of the British populace, are extremely confused by how supposedly intelligent Politicians who have had the privilege of being voted into seats in this great Parliament of our great country, and how you could be so manipulative to think that the public would FORGIVE you for NOT honouring this campaign promise.  Yes, you have been forgiven many times before, for over a century of lies, manipulations, political spin and get out of jail free cards you all hand one another, with exception of those who do NOT toe the Party line and you have cast to the wolves to placate the masses.


Did you and those clinging to their jobs lie to the public on the TORY manifesto, or have you been fabricating this whole Brexit process and deceiving the nation so that you could force the UK into accepting your sad compromised, flawed, abhorrent abomination of a withdrawal deal?

We are so flabbergasted by the gross incompetence your office and Westminster's Politicians have demonstrated on the world stage, that we have to ask you again, which part of "leave means leave" did you lot not understand?

If you have any doubts as to why your 'pitiful deal' is unsatisfactory and why the 'no deal' looks appealing, let us help you........ please read on.


The first 15 fundamental reasons why Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement is an abomination

1.             From 29 March the UK will be under the de facto jurisdiction of a group of 27 foreign powers, with no ability to veto laws or procedures affecting our country and its citizens
2.             The EU27 can make decisions in Council behind closed doors, with no published minutes, which would profoundly affect British businesses, citizens, and the economy
3.             The EU27 could even impose new taxes on the UK, and Parliament could do nothing about it
4.             The EU27 could cripple the vitally-important UK financial sector, with new taxes and regulations
5.             A major part of the Agreement (the Northern Irish Protocol) locks the UK into a permanent customs union with the EU, with no unilateral right of the UK to terminate
6.             The Northern Ireland Protocol requires the Province to obey existing and new Single Market rules, with no say over them, and effectively splits off Northern Ireland into being a colony of the EU and the Republic, thereby breaking the United Kingdom in two
7.             The UK will have no right to do international free trade deals –a key economic benefit of Brexit –because it must stick to protectionist EU tariffs. The British public cannot benefit from an independent trade policy resulting in much cheaper imported goods, nor can our exporters thrive
8.             Any new EU trade agreements would require the UK to match the new lower tariffs, but the countries involved would not be required to reciprocate in respect of the UK
9.             The UK would remain under the jurisdiction of the ECJ until at least the end of 2020 and the agreement makes provision to extend this until 2022
10.         In some parts of the law, British courts would have to obey the ECJ for over 100 years -the lifetimes of as yet unborn children
11.         The UK would not be a truly sovereign nation in the lifetimes of all reading this
12.         The Agreement means the UK paying at least £39 billion, despite there being no legal obligation to pay anything like that amount, and with no new UK-EU trade deal guaranteed in return
13.         The final amount taken from British taxpayers would be decided by the EU, and the UK would have no say because the ECJ would rule on this
14.         Other aspects of the Agreement and Political Declaration would adversely affect the UK’s autonomy in fishing, defence, foreign policy, competition law, state aid and many other areas of life
15.         The Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration together lock the UK into a continuing and subservient relationship with the EU, agreeing to match and “build upon” current arrangements, giving away money, sovereignty, laws, and even decisions on the very composition of the United Kingdom itself.
These 15 brought to you courtesy of Brexit Facts4EU.Org, 28 Feb 2019

The NEXT 40 "Hidden Horrors" of Theresa May's Brexit Deal
As the Spectator explained in a piece published Saturday, the Brexiteers fear that the current deal could leave the UK bound to the EU customs union indefinitely, while surrounding any say in how the trade bloc sets its rules.  

In summary: The supposed ‘transition period’ could last indefinitely or, more specifically, to an undefined date sometime this century (“up to 31 December 20XX”, Art. 132). So while this Agreement covers what the government is calling Brexit, what we in fact get is: ‘transition’ + extension indefinitely (by however many years we are willing to pay for) + all of those extra years from the ‘plus 8 years’ articles.

Should it end within two years, as May hopes, the UK will still be signed up to clauses keeping us under certain rules (like VAT and ECJ supervision) for a further eight years. Some clauses have, quite literally, a “lifetime” duration (Art.39). If the UK defaults on transition, we go in to the backstop with the Customs Union and, realistically, the single market. We can only leave the transition positively with a deal. But we sign away the money. So the EU has no need to give us a deal, and certainly no incentive to make the one they offered ‘better’ than the backstop. The European Court of Justice remains sovereign, as repeatedly stipulated. Perhaps most damagingly of all, we agree to sign away the rights we would have, under international law, to unilaterally walk away. Again, what follows relates (in most part) for the “transition” period. But the language is consistent with the E.U. imagining that this will be the final deal.

In reference to the 560+ page draft deal document, while the controversial backstop provision has taken most of the criticism, many of the deal's finer points remain deeply suspect.

But the language surrounding the backstop isn't the only component of the deal that's deeply suspect. Below is a list of the top 40 draft deal "horrors" (courtesy of the Spectator):
  1. May says her deal means the UK leaves the EU next March. The Withdrawal Agreement makes a mockery of this. “All references to Member States and competent authorities of Member States…shall be read as including the United Kingdom.” (Art 6).
  2. Not quite what most people understand by Brexit. It goes on to spell out that the UK will be in the EU but without any MEPs, a commissioner or ECJ judges. We are effectively a Member State, but we are excused – or, more accurately, excluded – from attending summits. (Article 7)
  3. The European Court of Justice is decreed to be our highest court, governing the entire Agreement – Art. 4. stipulates that both citizens and resident companies can use it. Art 4.2 orders our courts to recognise this. “If the European Commission considers that the United Kingdom has failed to fulfil an obligation under the Treaties or under Part Four of this Agreement before the end of the transition period, the European Commission may, within 4 years after the end of the transition period, bring the matter before the Court of Justice of the European Union”. (Art. 87)
  4. The jurisdiction of the ECJ will last until eight years after the end of the transition period. (Article 158).
  5. The UK will still be bound by any future changes to EU law in which it will have no say, not to mention having to comply with current law. (Article 6(2))
  6. Any disputes under the Agreement will be decided by EU law only – one of the most dangerous provisions. (Article 168).
  7. This cuts the UK off from International Law, something we’d never do with any foreign body. Arbitration will be governed by the existing procedural rules of the EU law – this is not arbitration as we would commonly understand it (i.e. between two independent parties). (Article 174)
  8. “UNDERLINING that this Agreement is founded on an overall balance of benefits, rights and obligations for the Union and the United Kingdom” No, it should be based upon the binding legal obligations upon the EU contained within Article 50. It is wrong to suggest otherwise.
  9. The tampon tax clause: We obey EU laws on VAT, with no chance of losing the tampon tax even if we agree a better deal in December 2020 because we hereby agree to obey other EU VAT rules for **five years** after the transition period. Current EU rules prohibit 0-rated VAT on products (like tampons) that did not have such exemptions before the country joined the EU.
  10. Several problems with the EU’s definitions: “Union law” is too widely defined and “United Kingdom national” is defined by the Lisbon Treaty: we should given away our right to define our citizens. The “goods” and the term “services” we are promised the deal are not defined – or, rather, will be defined however the EU wishes them to be. Thus far, this a non-defined term so far. This agreement fails to define it.
  11. The Mandelson Pension Clause: The UK must promise never to tax former EU officials based here – such as Peter Mandelson or Neil Kinnock – on their E.U. pensions, or tax any current Brussels bureaucrats on their salaries. The EU and its employees are to be immune to our tax laws. (Article 104)
  12. Furthermore, the UK agrees not to prosecute EU employees who are, or who might be deemed in future, criminals (Art.101)
  13. The GDPR clause. The General Data Protection Regulation – the EU’s stupidest law ever? – is to be bound into UK law (Articles 71 to 73). There had been an expectation in some quarters that the UK could get out of it.
  14. The UK establishes a ‘Joint Committee’ with EU representatives to guarantee ‘the implementation and application of this Agreement’. This does not sound like a withdrawal agreement – if it was, why would it need to be subject to continued monitoring? (Article 164).
  15. This Joint Committee will have subcommittees with jurisdiction over: (a) citizens’ rights; (b) “other separation provisions”; (c) Ireland/Northern Ireland; (d) Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus; (e) Gibraltar; and (f) financial provisions. (Article 165)
  16. The Lifetime clause: the agreement will last as long as the country’s youngest baby lives. “the persons covered by this Part shall enjoy the rights provided for in the relevant Titles of this Part for their lifetime”. (Article 39).
  17. The UK is shut out of all EU networks and databases for security – yet no such provision exists to shut the EU out of ours. (Article 8)
  18. The UK will tied to EU foreign policy, “bound by the obligations stemming from the international agreements concluded by the Union” but unable to influence such decisions. (Article 124)
  19. All EU citizens must be given permanent right of residence after five years – but what counts as residence? This will be decided by the EU, rather than UK rules. (Articles 15-16)
  20. Britain is granted the power to send a civil servant to Brussels to watch them pass stupid laws which will hurt our economy. (Article 34)
  21. The UK agrees to spend taxpayers’ money telling everyone how wonderful the agreement is. (Article 37)
  22. Art 40 defines Goods. It seems to include Services and Agriculture. We may come to discover that actually ‘goods’ means everything.
  23. Articles 40-49 practically mandate the UK’s ongoing membership of the Customs Union in all but name.
  24. The UK will be charged to receive the data/information we need in order to comply with EU law. (Article 50). The EU will continue to set rules for UK intellectual property law (Article 54 to 61). The UK will effectively be bound by a non-disclosure agreement swearing us to secrecy regarding any EU developments we have paid to be part. This is not mutual. The EU is not bound by such measures. (Article 74)
  25. The UK is bound by EU rules on procurement rules – which effectively forbids us from seeking better deals elsewhere. (Articles 75 to 78)
  26. We give up all rights to any data the EU made with our money (Art. 103)
  27. The EU decide capital projects (too broadly defined) the UK is liable for. (Art. 144)
  28. The UK is bound by EU state aid laws until future agreement – even in the event of an agreement, this must wait four years to be valid. (Article 93)
  29. Similar advantages and immunities are extended to all former MEPs and to former EU official more generally. (Articles 106-116)
  30. The UK is forbidden from revealing anything the EU told us or tells us about the finer points of deal and its operation. (Article 105).
  31. Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)
  32. The UK shall be liable for any “outstanding commitments” after 2022 (Article 142(2) expressly mentions pensions, which gives us an idea as to who probably negotiated this). The amount owed will be calculated by the EU. (Articles 140-142)
  33. The UK will be liable for future EU lending. As anyone familiar with the EU’s financials knows, this is not good. (Article143)
  34. The UK will remain liable for capital projects approved by the European Investment Bank. (Article 150).
  35. The UK will remain a ‘party’ (i.e. cough up money) for the European Development Fund. (Articles 152-154)
  36. And the EU continues to calculate how much money the UK should pay it. So thank goodness Brussels does not have any accountancy issues.
  37. The UK will remain bound (i.e coughing up money) to the European Union Emergency Trust Fund – which deals with irregular migration (i.e. refugees) and displaced persons heading to Europe. (Article 155)
  38. The agreement will be policed by ‘the Authority’ – a new UK-based body with ‘powers equivalent to those of the European Commission’. (Article 159)
  39. The EU admits, in Art. 184, that it is in breach of  Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which oblige it to “conclude an agreement” of the terms of UK leaving the EU. We must now, it seems, “negotiate expeditiously the agreements governing their future relationship.” And if the EU does not? We settle down to this Agreement.
  40. And, of course, the UK will agree to pay £40bn to receive all of these ‘privileges’. (Article 138)
These 40 brought  to you courtesy of the Spectator

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Notwithstanding the fact that it was the Conservative Party that signed away the keys to Britain's  sovereignty when John Major signed ...