Democracy is being killed off.
As everyone in the UK that has a TV, or Smart Phone or reads the lamestream media will have heard, over 60% of the Politicians sitting in Westminster have acted in a most heinous and egregious way towards the implementation of Brexit.
Of course that is depending on which side of the Brexit divide you are sitting on. If you are a Brexiteer it most certainly feels like that is a true reflection of what is happening, whereas if you are a Remainer, you are probably jumping up for joy and are as gleeful as a multi-million Euro Lottery winner.
Before we go on, let us consider the definition of democracy from Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.......
: government by the people
: rule of the majority
1b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
1b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Sadly, in the real world where democracy is supposed to be a fair and balanced mechanism that is designed to serve the people by way of voting and elections whereby the majority wins the day, we appear to have a broken system here in the United Kingdom.
Contemplate the following Democratic scenario
Imagine that there was a Referendum asking whether to make the National Health Service (NHS) chargeable at the point of delivery. If the referendum vote was (YES) 48% saying yes make it chargeable and (NO) 52% saying that it should continue to be free at the point of service.
Would the public accept the result.? I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!
But supposing that those greedy Politicians knew something we the public did not and were hell bent on defying the will of the people because the NO result did not suit their narrative or agenda. Suppose that they decided to hijack the result and as our appointed members of Parliament acting on behalf of the people, they decided to pass all sorts of laws and implement political strategies that would over turn the democratic referendum result and ignore the will of the people.
Because they are in the seats of power, they actually believe they have the mandate of the people to make whatever they deem fit happen and in this case they, went ahead an implemented a chargeable at the point of deliver service at the NHS.
Would the public accept their result.? I venture to guess -- Hell NO.... absolutely Not!
But since everyone voted them into power, based on the revelations of what has happened in Parliament over the last three years, the public can get stuffed as far as the Politicians are concerned as they rarely deliver on manifesto promises anyway, so why should this be different.
Would you agree that if this scenario happened, you would want to explode with rage and demand that your MP stepped up and honoured the will of the people. I know I would.
So in this unlikely event, would you agree that democracy has not worked and the will of the people in a legitimate and free election / referendum have been usurped?
I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!
Since Brexit was and still remains to be all about keeping hold of our Sovereignty, taking control of our laws, our money, our borders and trade; based on the above election voting record - that would suggest that there are 114 traitors in Parliament who would prefer to surrender this country to an un-elected cabal in the European Union without firing a shot.
Most recently, the shady shenanigans in Parliament have been worse than ....HIGH TREASON..... our democracy has become the laughing stock all over the world.
Our Prime Minister has failed to manage the Brexit negotiations in a collegiate way, which ultimately undermined the entire process. Not only did the PM not engage with her Cabinet colleagues for the June 2017 elections, she ignored all their advice and offers of assistance, which has sewn discourse amongst the ranks and opened the Tory Party up to both ridicule and shame.
The litany of poor management techniques and poor judgement demonstrated by the PM allowed the EU to better her at the negotiating table and take advantage of the British media spin that has been raging. The PM lost all control of her Party and Brexit, which was reflected in countless resignations and a split in the Conservative Party.
All that being said, what has resulted out of this shambles is that not only have the MEDIA forgotten why the Brexit referendum was originally called for in the first place, they are so focused on beating the living crap out of the Conservative Party, they missed the fact that the EU was using them as the mirror sitting behind our poker player (negotiator), which allowed the EU to know about every card we had in our deck before the hands were played.
You may have to download and print that table..... it is worth reading to remind us WHY.
If the answer is yes, they the only thing we have to do at the next election is vote for people who have NOT lost their moral compass or even vote for NEW BLOOD in the house. Anything is better than someone who has trampled all over the WILL of the PEOPLE because of their own self interest or has ignored the will of the people.
Our Democracy is NOT worth throwing away, so stop being petty minded about how you feel about Brexit, focus on the integrity of Democracy and what has gone wrong with our Democracy and who is destroying the fabric of our society and our democracy.
The United Kingdom is a marvellous country, we are a great country filled with inspirational, tenacious, entrepreneurial and intelligent people who will make sure this country remains a great country with or without the EU and irrespective of how we feel about Brexit.
Would the public accept the result.? I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!
But supposing that those greedy Politicians knew something we the public did not and were hell bent on defying the will of the people because the NO result did not suit their narrative or agenda. Suppose that they decided to hijack the result and as our appointed members of Parliament acting on behalf of the people, they decided to pass all sorts of laws and implement political strategies that would over turn the democratic referendum result and ignore the will of the people.
Because they are in the seats of power, they actually believe they have the mandate of the people to make whatever they deem fit happen and in this case they, went ahead an implemented a chargeable at the point of deliver service at the NHS.
Would the public accept their result.? I venture to guess -- Hell NO.... absolutely Not!
But since everyone voted them into power, based on the revelations of what has happened in Parliament over the last three years, the public can get stuffed as far as the Politicians are concerned as they rarely deliver on manifesto promises anyway, so why should this be different.
Would you agree that if this scenario happened, you would want to explode with rage and demand that your MP stepped up and honoured the will of the people. I know I would.
So in this unlikely event, would you agree that democracy has not worked and the will of the people in a legitimate and free election / referendum have been usurped?
I venture to guess -- Hell YES.... absolutely Yes!
Here is why British Democracy is Broken in REALITY!
The esteemed members of the British Parliament that were voted into office at the June 2017 Elections in the UK based on their Party Manifesto's, which promised to honour the result of the June 2016 Brexit Referendum..... This is something they have patently failed to do. Following the second day of debates over Theresa May’s Brexit bill in the House of Commons, 498 MPs voted to give the government authority to invoke Article 50, while 114 voted against.Since Brexit was and still remains to be all about keeping hold of our Sovereignty, taking control of our laws, our money, our borders and trade; based on the above election voting record - that would suggest that there are 114 traitors in Parliament who would prefer to surrender this country to an un-elected cabal in the European Union without firing a shot.
Most recently, the shady shenanigans in Parliament have been worse than ....HIGH TREASON..... our democracy has become the laughing stock all over the world.
Our Prime Minister has failed to manage the Brexit negotiations in a collegiate way, which ultimately undermined the entire process. Not only did the PM not engage with her Cabinet colleagues for the June 2017 elections, she ignored all their advice and offers of assistance, which has sewn discourse amongst the ranks and opened the Tory Party up to both ridicule and shame.
The litany of poor management techniques and poor judgement demonstrated by the PM allowed the EU to better her at the negotiating table and take advantage of the British media spin that has been raging. The PM lost all control of her Party and Brexit, which was reflected in countless resignations and a split in the Conservative Party.
All that being said, what has resulted out of this shambles is that not only have the MEDIA forgotten why the Brexit referendum was originally called for in the first place, they are so focused on beating the living crap out of the Conservative Party, they missed the fact that the EU was using them as the mirror sitting behind our poker player (negotiator), which allowed the EU to know about every card we had in our deck before the hands were played.
Let us remind ourselves why Brexit was even called....
You may have to download and print that table..... it is worth reading to remind us WHY.
Can we save our democracy?
The short answer is yes...... forget about Brexit, forget about whether you are a Brexiteer or a Remainer.... just try and be objective about whether you want to SAVE our Democracy or not.If the answer is yes, they the only thing we have to do at the next election is vote for people who have NOT lost their moral compass or even vote for NEW BLOOD in the house. Anything is better than someone who has trampled all over the WILL of the PEOPLE because of their own self interest or has ignored the will of the people.
We need a new, modernised form of Politics that honour the integrity and morality of democracy, a politics that treats the will of the people as sacrosanct.
Bring on the Revolution!
Bring on the next Election!
Bring on the Criminal charges!
Bring on the Jail sentences!
Our Democracy is NOT worth throwing away, so stop being petty minded about how you feel about Brexit, focus on the integrity of Democracy and what has gone wrong with our Democracy and who is destroying the fabric of our society and our democracy.
The United Kingdom is a marvellous country, we are a great country filled with inspirational, tenacious, entrepreneurial and intelligent people who will make sure this country remains a great country with or without the EU and irrespective of how we feel about Brexit.
(Easter Holidays UPDATE)